"Oh my! What's happened to Mr Malfoy!" Professor McGonagall ran over to them and started to inspect the unconscious Malfoy.

"These two idiots managed to give him a concussion!" Snape scolded them as he came out of the back room with a few potions in his hands, one was blue and the other was red.

"Make sure he drinks these, and he gets lots of rest, I am putting you in charge of his health, if anything happens to him, you will be held accountable!" Snape held a finger in front of them.

"Yes Professor." Harry and Ron nodded.

"Now back to the matter of the car-"

"Yes, that is why we're here, Severus, we don't believe that the punishment should be too severe, Minerva has already agreed to put them in detention for one week as well as take away 50 house points." Dumbledore smiled.

"It should 150-"

"They are in my house Severus, and Flitwick has already agreed to take away 20 points from Ravenclaw for Mr Malfoy's part in this." Snape's eyes darkened, but knowing that this was a battle that he would not win, he reluctantly nodded.

"You are welcome to take him back to your dorm until he has recovered." Professor McGonagall told them, a small smile on her face as she looked down at Draco, and Harry and Ron nodded with a smile on their face, they rarely got to take Draco into their house, they normally went into Ravenclaw.

They headed towards the portrait of the fat lady.


"Draco! What did you two do to him!" They were greeted by a very frazzled Hermione when they entered the room, the common room was empty except for her as the rest of them were sleeping.

"I don't know, he fainted after something hit him in the head, Snape gave us these potions to give him." Ron showed Hermione the potions.

"He probably has a concussion, what were you thinking about, using the flying car to get to Hogwarts, how did you even miss the train?" Hermione hissed at them but was still looking at Draco in pity.

"It was his idea!" Ron bristled and Harry could already see an argument coming about.

"And you probably encouraged it, oh he had to spend the whole ride to Hogwarts with the two of you! No wonder he fainted, he was probably exhausted having to deal with the two of you without me, you know we balance each other out." Hermione raised her head in a challenge.

Draco started to stir, holding his head, his face contorted in pain.

"That was fast," Hermione muttered under her breath.

Hermione was all over him in an instant, snatching the potions from Ron, who had taken them back, not giving Draco any time to think about what was happening before she was shoving potions down his throat.

"Wha-" Draco said groggily before the first potion was shoved down his throat, Hermione had chosen the red one first, and then the blue.

"Ugh." Draco wrinkled his nose in disgust, sticking his tongue out.

"That's disgusting." He whined, looking at Hermione, then he noticed his surroundings, looking around, he asked,

"Am I in the Gryffindor common room?" Draco looked at them and they nodded.

Something changed in Draco's expression and he looked at them, "Where's my stuff?"

"Oh, right here-" Harry held up his trunk and Draco lunged for it,

"I have to do something, I'll be right back." Draco smiled at them and left the room with his trunk in hand.

They looked at each other, Hermione said what everyone was thinking, "That was strange."

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