"Awww." The twins said in unison and Harry doubled his glare at them.

"Be quiet." He whispered.

They put their hands over their mouths and made a zipper motion over their lips.

Harry put his arms around Draco and rested his head on Draco's hair which was tied up in a ponytail, it was really soft.


"Wakey, wakey." Someone started slapping Draco's face lightly.

"No." Draco yawned and pushed deeper into his pillow, it was weirdly warm and hard.

"Draco, we're here." The person slapped him again, but lighter this time.

Draco was awake now, he lifted his head to glare at the person in question, only to find the twins standing above him and the room lit up with sunlight, how long had he been sleeping? And why did his pillow have a heartbeat?

He turned and jumped when he saw Harry facing him with a sheepish smile on his face,

"Harry wouldn't let us wake you up until Mum made him, he fell asleep with you there you know, carried you to the bed and everything. We tried to put you down on the bed, but anytime you were off Harry's lap, you started to throw a fuss." Fred (or maybe George) laughed.

Draco felt his face heating up, he had slept like that.

"Sorry Harry." Draco scrambled off his lap.

"No, it's fine, Draco." Harry scratched the back of his neck, and Draco wanted nothing more than to be swallowed by the floor.

"Breakfast's ready!" Fred called out, and they both left the room, Draco didn't wait long to follow them, he didn't even know where they were but he supposed it would be where the Weasley's lived.

He made his way down a flight of stairs to find the Weasley's at a table eating breakfast, Harry was right behind him as he sat down next to Ron and Harry sat down next to him.

"Goodmorning, dearies." A woman greeted them while serving them with breakfast.

"Goodmorning, Mrs Weasley." Harry greeted her, and Draco echoed him.

A man came in through the door, "Morning, Weasleys!" Draco recognized him as Arthur Weasley.

"And who might you be?" He addressed both of them as he sat down at the head of the table, Draco was appalled at the amount of talking, at the manor, they didn't talk nearly as much, or at all unless something had to be said, they did, of course, exchange pleasantries.

"Harry Potter." Arthur's eyes lit up, but before he said anything to Harry, he turned to Draco, still waiting for him to answer,

"Draco Malfoy." He answered, and Arthur's eyes dimmed a bit, his smile faltering at the prospect of having a Malfoy in his home, Draco knew he should be offended, but he didn't mind much really.

"You're the Malfoy Ron's told us all about?" Arthur tilted his head a bit, looking at Ron, who nodded.

"Yes, sir."

"He's spoken a lot about both of you."

"All good things I hope." Draco glanced at Ron, he really didn't know what he had told them, but at least he hadn't been kicked out...yet.

"So, Harry, tell me about muggles." Arthur ended the conversation and turned to Harry, Draco cringed at the thought of those horrible muggles who had put bars on Harry's windows, but other than that, he tuned the conversation out and focused on slowly eating his breakfast.

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