"Well, it's your time to shine, Mister youngest seeker in a century." Draco gestured to the broom. Harry turned scarlet in embarrassment, looking at the broom and then looking at the keys,

"What are we even supposed to do with the keys?"

Hermione looked over at the door, " You put the key in the door to unlock it, Harry." Hermione snickered, apparently, Harry hadn't noticed the big, and locked door. Harry looked over at the door and sighed, walking over to the broom.

Draco was surprised, he had expected at least a tad bit more resistance from him, but he didn't dwell on it. He looked over at Ron, expecting him to be thinking the same, but he was greeted with a knowing smirk, that scared him, Weasley, knowing something?

As soon as Harry touched the broom, all the keys started swarming him, "Which one do I get?" He yelled in panic.

"The one with the broken wing!" Hermione pointed at said key, it wasn't as in rhythm as all the others were.

"This complicates things a bit." Weasley swallowed.

"You think?" Draco looked over at him.

Harry didn't hesitate, he dove for the key, and was barely keeping up with it, finally, he caught it, but that wasn't the end, he had to use it now. The swarm was still following him but he made his way over to them,

"Catch the key!" Harry threw the key over at Draco, who caught it without much thought. He ran over to the door and shoved it into the keyhole, twisting it. Once the door opened, Harry zoomed right into it, as did everyone else once they saw that the keys were following him.

Draco shoved the door closed and flinched away as the keys made holes in the wood, barely there, but noticeable.

"Never again." Harry whispered looking pale, and Draco laughed.


Weasley was a self-sacrificing idiot, they had to play chess to get to the other room, Draco wanted to tell them what to do, but no, Weasley had to take control of the situation and made himself the knight and look where that had gotten them, Weasley was about to sacrifice himself for the sake of a chess match, and they were being ridiculously sappy about it.

"Check." The Weasley boy breathed out, looking at Harry, Hermione was looking at him as well, Merlin why were they both scared, it wasn't like it sliced him in half.

The Queen moved forward slowly, and when it finally reached him, it lifted its spear and swung it into the knight, causing it to break into millions of pieces, Weasley collapsed to the floor.

"Ron!" Harry screamed, looking close to tears. Draco scoffed.

Hermione rushed to help him but was stopped when Harry yelled, "No! Don't move, don't forget, we're still playing." He looked calculating, for Merlin's sake, it was just one more move, there was nothing else to even think about, there was no reason to be making such a big fuss.

Draco walked over to the king and yelled, "Checkmate!" And the sword fell.

Now, Hermione rushed over to help Ron. Harry looked over at her, "You help Ron, Draco and I will stop Snape." He spoke gallantly, Harry was really working himself up. Hermione nodded and continued to try and help Ron, Harry tugged him along and they made their way to the door, slowly creeping in.

They made their way down into a hallway, lit with torches, and a man stood in front of the Mirror of Erised, a man, who was not Severus Snape.

"Professor Quirrell." Harry breathed out, looking at the man in betrayal.

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