Malfoy didn't seem the slightest bit put off by Davies hidden insults or his accusations, he remained calm.

"I still have my own free will, I am human, I am capable of being a different person with different values than Lucius Malfoy, or are you an exact copy of your parents? Have you never done something that your parents disapproved of, surely they didn't approve of that? Does it not speak for itself that I was sorted into Ravenclaw, or do you want to insult your own house, Davies?"

Davies lifted up his own wand.

"You little-"

It was at that moment that Harry decided to jump in.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" He whipped out his own wand, he knew he couldn't beat him, but it just felt right.

"Harry, what are you doing!" He heard Ron whisper behind him.

"I have no idea." He whispered back.

"Yes, what are you doing, Potter?" Davies and Malfoy said at the same time, causing them to look at each other in disgust.

"Leave him alone, you bully!"


"What is going on here?" The strict voice of Professor Snape entered.

Davies seemed to jump, Snape was right behind him, looking at him with the look in his eyes, the look that everyone already knew meant that he was pissed and you were definitely getting detention (and house points if you weren't Slytherin).

"Sir! I was just helping Malfoy get back to his dorm, um, he got lost." Davies mumbled the confident persona was gone.

"Do you think me a fool, Mr Davies?" Clearly, Snape wasn't fooled.

"No, Sir!"

"Hmm, Mr.Malfoy, can you tell me what happened?" Snape turned around to face Malfoy, who was purposely avoiding eye contact.

"I was at the library getting textbooks for your class, Sir, when I was going back to my dorm room, Davies saw me and started taunting me, he threatened me with his wand before Potter came."

"I did not you lia-"

"30 points from Ravenclaw for bullying another housemate, and you will be serving a week's detention with me." Thirty points was a bit much.

"Yes, Sir." Davies looked like he had given up.

"Now, go back to your dorm room, except Mr.Malfoy, you will be staying with me."

Harry didn't want to go, he'd rather stay and see why Snape wanted to keep Malfoy, but when Ron started tugging on his arm, he gave in and left, but he would definitely figure out why Snape was keeping Malfoy, he'll ask him tomorrow.


Draco watched as Weaselbee tugged Potter away, why did Potter help him, oh if only the other Potter could see this, he would drop dead on the spot.

Severus cleared his throat, causing Draco to look over at him, he was mindful not to look him in the eye, it would be rather confusing to him why he couldn't break through an '11-year-old's' occlumency, 11-year-old Draco wasn't even remotely good at Occulemcy, even with Severus helping him.

"You seemed rather amused during that conversation, I would have expected you to start yelling at Davies and his companions."

"I'm not an idiot, Godfather, yelling at him would've given him more ammunition, like I'd want that, being smart with him shut him up."

He briefly saw an impressed look cross the taller man's face, a rare look on him.

"You're father is not happy with your sorting." The suspicious look was back on Severus' face.

He remembered how little Draco had confided in his Godfather that he wanted to be in Slytherin, it must have come as a surprise to him when he started chanting 'Not Slytherin', but if it worked for Potter, it would sure as hell work for him, and it did, even though it did consider Gryffindor for a moment.

He shuddered at the thought of being in Gryffindor, yes he wanted to change, but he had standards.

"At least I'm not in Gryffindor." He mumbled.

"Do not fill me with horrendous ideas such as that, Draco." Severus sneered.

"I am talking about how you chanted 'Not Slytherin' under the hat, Lucius has heard about that, and as you can imagine, he didn't take it well."

Of course, Lucius heard, he always heard about everything, if everything went according to plan, he should get disowned soon, as long as mother didn't interfere too much.

"How many things did he break?" Draco mumbled, still not looking Severus in the eyes.

"Draco." He wanted him to look him in the eyes, he wouldn't, he would never let anyone invade his mind again.

"You've been acting incredibly different since you've come here."

"There's nothing wrong with change, Godfather."

"No, there isn't, but this've been sorted into Ravenclaw, Draco, I certainly didn't expect this from you."

"Than you better change your expectations."

With that, he left and made his way back to the Ravenclaw dormitory, not looking back at Severus, he didn't want to get into an argument with him, not now, not when the memories were still fresh in his mind.


Opening the door to his room, Draco made his way inside, the room was full of books, ones that he himself had chosen to decorate with. Some were ones that you would expect to find in a first year's dorm, some weren't, but those ones were well hidden, he was far from an idiot.

He made his way to his bed, no one else was in the room right now, he had time to think.

Just to think, yesterday, he was a 22-year-old man, standing over Severus Snape's dead body, he had fought well, but everyone who fought against him died eventually, and it was Severus' time. He still didn't understand why the Avada Kevada didn't send him to hell. He surely wasn't in heaven, and his hell would be much worse than this. Maybe it had to do with the fact that the familial magic had recently settled fully on him, that he had become a full-blooded Veela, but that scared him.

It scared him because maybe Lucius Malfoy also made it back, he may have only been part Veela, but he had handled the family magic much longer than him, he was more skilled with that type of magic.

But Lucius wasn't killed by magic, that would eliminate any chance of him making it back, but maybe he still found a way, his paranoid mind wouldn't let him be at rest, too many things had come unexpectedly that he couldn't not think of everything.

He would most likely get a howler tomorrow, he should be prepared for that.

There were still so many things to do, so, so many. If he really was in the past, then he could change so much, he could prevent so many people from dying, and making some others death's speed up, worm tail would need to be disposed of as soon as possible.

But that would mean getting close to at least one of the Weasley's.

Oh fuck it, the future was at stake, plus, becoming friends with a Weasley would surely make Lucius disown him, the quicker that happened the better.

Grabbing his hairbrush from his nightstand, he brushed his hair, fortunately, he had stopped using gel on his hair, that was an atrocious look, what little him was thinking, he couldn't fathom.

Tomorrow, he would put his plan in action.

Everything would be fixed, they would live, and the others would die.

Not Slytherin (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now