~*~P A R T T W O~*~

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"It came from over here!"

"Are you sure..?"

"Yes! Now c'mon, what if another human fell?"


Your POV

Never did I think I would be sitting on these yellow flowers again. Much less, next to an unconscious kid.  The memories flood my mind for the millionth time since the accident, but I ignore them like I have after the hundredth. No point in wallowing in self pity anymore. I accepted that I'm never getting my life back.

Frisk stirs next to me, pulling me from my thoughts. They sit up and look around until their gaze lands on me, and they smile.

"So it was real," They leap up excitedly and stand in front of me. "I really do have and angel on my side now!"  

I chuckle and get up, standing about a foot taller than them. "I wouldn't exactly say I'm an angel, but whatever makes you happy kid."

They giggle and hug me. I stiffen up, no longer used to touch, let alone affection. They let go, seeming to not notice my discomfort. 

"So.. how does this," they motion between the two of us, "work? I mean, with Chara, they either took control or just hung out in my mind."

"Well, I'm letting you do this on your own."

"Wait, what?" They furrow their eyebrows in confusion. "I thought you said you would help me.."

"Don't worry, I will help you when you need me. You've done the pacifist route many times before, you know how it works. I'll just be here in case something goes wrong. My being here could throw some things off and who knows what Chara is planning."

"Oh, ok. That makes sense."

"Just go through the route like normal and if you need me, just call for me."

They suddenly look terrified. "You're not going to stay with me?"

"I can't. It's dangerous for me to stay in the physical world for a long period of time." I gently put my hand under their chin and make them look up at me, "but I promise, I will come whenever you call."

"Pinkie promise..?" They hold out their pinkie and I smile at them and link mine.

"Pinkie promise." I ruffle their hair, "time to make things right, kid."


I've been watching the kid through the ripple in the void. They went through the ruins no problem. Frisk is actually in the middle of fighting Toriel right now, and it's going just as smooth as the rest of the run so far. I just hope it stays that way. Though, hope isn't exactly my thing anymore.

Suddenly, something felt... off. I looked around the scene, trying to pinpoint where my feeling was coming from. That's when I saw it. The shiny blade of a knife.

They definitely didn't have that before.

"M-my child, please.. we could-could be happy together. No one has to get hurt."

Frisk doesn't respond. All of Toriel's attacks are avoiding the kid. I can't interfere unless I'm called. So that's just what I have to wait for. Them to call out for me.

C'mon kid. Call for help.

*But nothing happened.

Then it happened. Their turn. They swung the knife, and down went Toriel. At one point in time, watching her death pained me. It tore at my non-existent soul. That was the first genocide run. The one where Chara was awakened. That was the worst run to watch. Watching everyone I once cared about turn to dust. Watching... him.. die. But, after the first five, I didn't have much of a reaction anymore.

I sighed. Looks like Chara is going to be a bigger thorn in my side than I thought. This may take a few tries. There's not much I can do now, I can't help them reset until they hit the "end screen". Which, unfortunately, means the kid has to die. So, we wait until they hit the judgement hall.

It's ok kid. No one said this was going to be easy. You just have to remember, you're not alone anymore.

~Another timeskip brought to you by Toriel's death~

Oh the judgement hall. My least favorite place in the whole underground. There's been a lot of death in this hall. Only two people's, but multiple times. And we're about add another death to that list. 

"Well Chara, you know the drill by now. How many times do you have to kill us all before you're satisfied? How many times do I have to kill you before you give up?" Sans' eye ignites as his anger rises. "How many times are you going to make me-"

"kill me..." Sans freezes. His eye going back to normal.

"Wh-what? Frisk? How are you... why would you?" 

"It's not a true genocide.. It started with mom.." Frisk looks down at their dusty knife.

"Kid... why would.. I trusted you.."

"It's now what you're thinking Sans... please." They drop their knife and kick it towards Sans, "I didn't kill anyone. It's still Chara, but.. you know how neutral routes go. They like to take over during fights."

"Why can't you just let us be happy..?" Glowing blue tears pool in his eye sockets.

"That's what I'm trying to do.. Chara just-"

"Would you stop blaming everything on them?!" He yells. I've never heard Sans yell before, and if I'm being honest, it's scary. "You started the first genocide run. You woke them up. This is just as much your fault as it is theirs."

Frisk looks down, "I know. That's why I'm trying to fix it. I am going to fix it."

Sans laughs, "and how do you plan to do that?"

"Chara broke my reset button, but there's someone helping me get to the 'true ending'. At least, that's what she called it."

"Wait. They broke your button?! Frisk, you can't go back! THIS is the ending we get!" He grips his skull

"Nononono, listen. I have a way to reset. You just have to kill me so I can-"

Out of no where, bones shot out of the ground and impaled Frisk right through their stomach. I did not see that coming. Well, I did, but not that soon. And cutting off Frisk. Wow. 

I make my way to the "end screen" to find Frisk crying on the... floor? I don't know what to call it. "He hates me.."

"He doesn't hate you. He hates Chara and the person you're becoming because of them. He can see them corrupting you."

"I failed.."

"I didn't expect you to succeed on the first go. Chara is a conniving little thing, I'd be worried if they didn't try anything."

"What am I going to do..?" I kneel on one knee in front of them and lift their head up.

"You stay determined," I hold out the reset button, "and try again."


Word Count: 1123

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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