“There isn’t anything going on.” I mumbled.

“C’mon, you can tell us, we won’t say anything,” Louis tried convincing, but failed miserably because I wasn’t going to give in that easily.

“Sorry to let you all down but nothing’s going on, we’re only friends.”

Liam and Louis looked the least convinced. Liam sighed and shook his head.

“We’ll get it out of her one day,” Louis muttered to Liam.

I cracked a smile on my lips and rolled my eyes at them and decided on changing the topic.

“Ok we’re going to be late; I think they’re done now.”

“I’ll go check on them,” Liam hollered as he stepped out of the kitchen.

“Now that he’s gone, you can tell me what’s going on.” Louis said leaning against the counter.

“Why do you not believe me?”

“Because, you’re so oblivious to the way you and Zayn act around each other.”

“Please explain to me how we act?”

This was going to be interesting.

“Well first of all, you two fight like an old married couple, then act like the best of friends the next day, your both constantly flirting with each other and trust me, you guys didn’t cover up as well as you two think you did the day at the studio.”

A cheeky grin formed on Louis face as I felt my cheeks begin to warm.

“Nothing happened-“

“Do you really think you covered up well enough? I mean, I don’t think that the boys noticed but I did for sure,”

Okay, so the day at the studio was just crazy and a mistake that I wouldn’t take back. I mean, I let my feelings take control of me that day, but I thought that we had gotten away with it.

“Louis... that was not what it look liked.”

“You might as well just spill to me everything because I already know most of the story.”

I sighed, could I trust Louis? I mean, he hasn’t done anything to lose my trust, but again, I don’t just trust people easily.

“Fine. I do like him,” Admitting it to not just me but Louis too felt a little weird. I mean, how can I not like Zayn. It’s hard to keep feelings away.

I managed to explain everything to Zayn. I explained to him how we were best friends when we were kids and how he left and how we just ended up in this situation. I didn’t mention to him my past though. I don’t think I can trust anyone with that. Anyways, it would be too much for him to handle and it would just ruin his mood.

“Wow,” He said once I finished explaining.

“Seriously Lou, you can’t tell anyone.”

“I promise,” He said, stretching out his pinky towards me. “I pinky promise”

I chuckled at him and locked my pinky with his.

Soon after Niall strolled into the kitchen, followed by Liam, Zayn and Harry.

“You look nice,” the Irish boy said pulling me into his chest as he kissed the side of my head.

“I’m still not fully convinced that she’s your sister,” Harry said smirking.

I rolled my eyes.

“And what are you trying to say?” Niall said squinting his eyes at him.

“What I’m saying is that she’s too h-ouch!” He was interrupted by getting hit in the shoulder by Liam.

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