Part 22

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Y/ns POV

The girls are leaving in 3 days sot we are spending this whole 3 days at my house with Maihuas friends, I'm kind of excited

"Baby when are you coming over" I said pouting looking at her through my computer

"Soon mama, soon" she said smiling

"Good" i said

I heard little cries comming from the room across from me "oh no, I'll see you when you guys get here?" I said

"Yea ofc, I love you" she said "I love you too" I said ending the call

Her cries got louder and louder which was weird, she only cries like that when she's scared and sees someone she doesn't know "I'm comming!" I said running to her room

When I got there the window was that's weird, I picked her up and took her downstairs To the girls

"Guys, did one you open the window in Kais room?" I asked opening the cabinet to get a bottle

"No why" they said "because it was open when I went in there and she was doing the scared cry" I said fixing a bottle

"Maybe it's nothing" I said sitting on the couch

Skip till everyone gets here

We all took showers and got ready, everyone was dressed as a typical lesbian (sweats and a (Nike) sports bra) I was in shorts

We all took showers and got ready, everyone was dressed as a typical lesbian (sweats and a (Nike) sports bra) I was in shorts

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And yes. Kai was dressed too something very simple

 Kai was dressed too something very simple

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(Without the Bib and hat😂😂)

I was upstairs with Kai and when I heard the doorbell ring, I carried Kai downstairs and handed her to Kasper

Maihua lee (girlxgirl)  (completed 😘)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora