Part 12

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Y/ns POV
This is written without the corona Virus🙄

I woke up In the middle of the night..which I've been doing a lot recently I grabbed my phone checked the time 2:41..

I sat up on my bed and grabbed my phone. You know I had to make a tiktok out of this

"Bubbas.." I said loud enough so they could hear me, I heard different types of groans and "hms"

"I'm hungry..can we go somewhere" "are you serious?" Ag said "calm down wild child she is carrying a baby" Mia said "true true" "please" I asked they all groaned but they got up

We all put on some random shoes and went downstairs "whos driving" Kasper said we all turned and looked at her "oh fuck you guys" she said grabbing my Keys

We all got in by car and put on our seatbelts and Kasper drove "what do you want?" Kasper asked "I would say McDonald's because I want something sweet but they shit always broke"  (I wheezed)

"Lets go the Walmart and you can pick out what you want I'll pay for it, but don't be up in here buying everything" she said (black mamas be like) "ok I got it"

She drives to Walmart she parks and gets out with me

I immediately walk to the candy isle and picked up a whole bunch of candy and Walked back to her with my arms full of stuff (what ever sweet stuff you want) "you better be lucky you got a baby in there"

I followed her as we walked to check out. She payed for all of it..,I may owe her like 70 dollars

"Thank you bubba" "ofc" walked out with the bags and put them in the car "damn bitch did you buy the whole store?" Cay said "no..just the sweet stuff" I said

Kasper drive back to my place and we all took the bag upstairs to my room at that time it was problems about 3:45 

Ag went live on tiktok because half of them are banded from live

"Aye what's up guys" Ag said

"Shouldn't y'all be asleep? It's like 4 am" Ag said reading a comment "you see we were but someone woke us up" she said looking at you "my bad suh"

"Are you guys going to playlist??" Someone said "yea" Mia said "where's maihua?" You read "oh she's visiting her family for a week, so when she left they came and when she comes back they'll leave" you said

"How was your guys day?" Mac read out it was lot of "it was alright" and "it was ok"

That went on for about 30 minutes "well guys imma get off someone else might go live idk yet, we might make tiktoks but I love you byeee" she ended the live

" it me or am I getting fat?" I said looking down at my stomach "bitch you've been pregnant for 4 weeks that's when you start showing dumbass" Ag said

"Bitch I've never been pregnant before, I don't know how this shit works" I say back to her

I pull out my phone and make a tiktok

Maihua lee (girlxgirl)  (completed 😘)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat