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Virgil keeps shifting in discomfort, each time I look in his direction he freezes, as if he doesn't want me to notice. After awhile though, I start to worry if something is really wrong.

"Are you alright?" I place my hand on his arm.

He looks down speepishy and murmurs, "Can't get comfy. M'sorry didn' mean to bother you."

I stroke his arm softly, "You're not bothering me, I was just worried. Anything we can do to make you more comfy?"

Virgil seems to be awfully interested in the wall, "Can I go get my blanket?"

Oh. Of course! Virgil's weighted blanket, I'm holding him tightly, but he probably needs more pressure. Being sick probably makes him anxious which would make him fidgety.

"No," his face falls instantly so I rush on, "I want you to stay in bed, I'll go get it. Okay?"

He nods, "Thank you, Princey."

I kiss his forehead, "anything for you, spooky."

I leave the movie playing as I leave to retrieve Virgil's blanket.


"Remus," I say, holding back a chuckle, "what are you doing?"

"I'm making a sandwich!" He cries happily as he slams two pieces of toast and shaving creamed eggs together. Causing a large shaving cream spray to arise.

I smile, "Alright, then." I wipe the shaving cream from my glasses.

"Sorry, baby," he leans over and licks the shaving cream from my cheek.

"I-uhm-it is alright, Remus." I curse myself for letting him catch me off guard yet again.

He giggles, "Love you."

I smile fondly, "I love you."

Just then Patton stumbles downstairs, still in his onesie. Deceit right behind him chuckling.

"All I'm saying," Patton says loudly, "Is that ice cream is dairy so it's part of your basic food groups. It does not count as dessert!"

Deceit laughs, "Is this all because you want ice cream for dinner?"

"And another thing," Patton says, effectively sending Deceit into a fit of giggles, "Some ice creams have fruit in them! Another food group!"

Deceit leans against the doorway, wheezing, "Patton, darling, you're an adult, you can have ice cream anytime. You don't have to justify it to anyone. Who's gonna stop you?"

Patton looks pointedly at Logan, "Logan says it's not a good enough meal."

Logan sighs, "For Thomas, Patton. You may do whatever you like, but don't let it negatively effect Thomas."

Patton lights up, "So I can eat ice cream with my toast?"

Deceit is still wheezing in the doorway.

"Yes, Patton." Logan sighs, "Though I have no idea why you would want to."

Remus grins, "Can I have some?"

Deceit sits next to Logan at the table an orange in his hands, "We love them."

"Yes," Logan sighs, "Yes, we do."

"Oh!" Patton stops what he's doing, "We need to bring some food up to Ro and Virgil."

"I'll get it," Logan stands quickly, eager to escape the room filled with his fellow sides' cries of joy at ice cream at 8 in the morning.

Sickly SidesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora