"Hi," I said into my phone, just staring at him, still not moving. The minute I saw him it was like I was breathing fresh air, and it had me frozen in my spot. His eyes glared into me, sending chills down my back.

     "Hi." We both stood there looking at each other. I wasn't sure for how long when Harry broke the silence, "You're beautiful."

     "Liar." It slipped out. He complimented me and I called him a liar. His mouth dropped.

     "Did you just call me a liar?" He said a grin covering his face. I could feel my face going red and my chest tighten. I hit end on my phone putting it into my pocket and bringing my hands up to cover my face, trying to hide as much as I could.

     "Maybe," I said but my words were muffled by my hands. I wasn't sure why but I felt the sudden urge to cry. I had never really been called beautiful before, it was hard to hear. I felt hands come around my arms and pull my hands from my face.

     "You don't see it do you?" He was standing right in front of me. My arms still in his hands, but I couldn't look up at him. I knew if I looked at him, I would cry. I did not need him to see me cry.

     "See what?" I wanted to be able to shrink away from this conversation.

     "The way people look at you."

     "People don't look at me." He released one of my arms bringing his hand up under my chin and moving my face to meet his.

     "They do." I shook my head his hand still under my chin. "Do you trust me?" I wasn't sure why, we just met, but I did. I shrugged my shoulders but nodded my head. "Good. Then trust me that they do." I smiled.

     "Thank you." It was all I could say. I wanted to trust him, but I just didn't see it.

     "Anytime you need reminding, I'm here." Strangely, I knew he wasn't lying. No matter what happened I knew he would still be here for me. "You ready to go?" I nodded my head, still not able to find words. "Okay." He grabbed my bag and headed towards the door but I stayed where I was. He stopped when he realized I wasn't with him, turning back to me. "You coming?"

     "Yes," I said shaking my head to get out of my frozen state. I sped walked to catch up with him. He led me out the doors to a waiting car. It was almost eleven so it was somewhat empty with a few people here and there. George stepped out of the car taking my bag from Harry. "Hello George," I said.

     "Good evening, Ms.DJ. I trust you had a good flight?" I didn't like Ms. but it was better than ma'am so I would take it.

     "Yes, it was fine, but I'm glad to be on solid ground again." I wasn't afraid of flying, It was more so I was afraid of falling. I didn't care if it was from two feet or thirty thousand feet. George nodded his head and brought my bag to the back. Harry opened the door for me and I lifted my body into the black SUV. It wasn't very tall but neither was I. Harry at six-foot-one, somewhat toward over my short five-foot-four frame. Harry followed in after me and George soon after that, climbing in the driver's seat. He slowly pulled into the on-ramp and swerved his way through traffic. The silence in the car was weirdly comforting, but I broke it anyway.

     "What happened earlier?" I asked turning to Harry who was very close to me. Closer than I remembered him being when he first got in, I was probably imagining it though.

     "What do you mean?" He asked turning towards me, our knees touching as he did. I flinched a little but didn't move. I was hoping he didn't notice my reaction.

     "Earlier when you called me. The commotion. I figured you were at the hotel but you were at the airport. So what happened?" I just kept thinking about it and how it affected me.

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