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Death was better then this place. As I sit on the bus and look out the window to a pile of nothing. Nothing but bare land. Wheat and grain fields and fruit trees thrived in the open, fertile land. We were far away from pollution not a machine in sight. I looked ahead out of the windshield and saw a big dark grey building in the distance. As we got closer the smell of death crept in through the window. It reeked of odor I couldn't take the smell it was like I was choking on air.

We arrive at the prison building the walls were dirty with brown stains and the grey color of the building seemed to be fading away with light grey streaks. I felt dirty just looking at it.

"Lets get you guys inside I bet you're hungry." The prison guard said with a smile.

In the Military there are thousands of jobs that can be done to help 'protect' the city. Majority of the new people get sent to the prison so they can toughen up to be more suitable for the job. I used to work here once, but after about a month they transferred me to meal tickets because I wasn't showing any signs of power like they wanted me to.

I walk into the building and enter a room that is the entrance of the building. The only light that shines into the room is the light that shinning in from the outside. The door slams shut as the last prisoner enters the room. We are engulfed into the darkness and until we die this will be our life.

The guard flashes a light and leads us down the end of the dark hallway until we get to reach tall metal doors.

"Enjoy while you can." He says to us.

He opens the doors which opens to a large eating area where thousands of men are eating. The sight and smell is damaging to my body. The smell of mold and body odor make the air toxic to breathe in. The men are fading away some bodies look malnourished and others look like skeleton. Some men look fatigued and sickly. I felt like I was walking into a grave yard.

They had not given us the red jumpsuits like everyone else was wearing we were still in the clothes that we were in when we had gotten arrested.

We walked into the eating area and a different guard led us to the far back of the room through another set of doors through those doors is a feast of food not of the thanksgiving variety but food we had not touched in years. Variety of barbecue, pasta, tacos and soul food. An array of food was set out before us. A man didn't know how hungry he was until he had seen the food that was set before our eyes.

"Enjoy as much as you can because you won't get this ever again." The guard said to us

The people who were with me in the room rushed to get there plates and pile it high. But I waited until everyone was done with getting their food. When the line was shortened to two people I got into line and filled my plate high with pasta and grabbed a couple pieces of chicken. I knew they would put us to work here so I had to get food that would keep my full and energized for the work ahead of us.

I walked out of the room and walked into the cafeteria room to grab a seat. The looks of the other prisoners faces when they had seen the piles of food coming from the back room hurt my soul to the core. I walked past many starving faces and sat down next to a group of prisoners who were chowing down on their prison food. They were talking about law, politics and science. It was my type of conversation.

"You don't mind if I sit here do you?"

They looked at my plate of food and then looked at me. "No we don't mind." Said the guy sitting across from me.

"What if your name?" He asked me as he reaches his hand out for me to shake.

His hospitality was much warming and brought light to a place like this.

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