some background info

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i posted this in 8th grade in the middle of class. i am now a junior. i only keep this up for shits and giggles. it brings me joy to watch my friends suffer knowing this exists (i love them tho).

the characters are based off of my friends who were dating at the time. the original story is with brendon urie and ryan ross. i literally copy and pasted the story, and just changed the names.

i get so many comments each day from people dying internally as they read, and it makes me laugh knowing that people have to suffer as much as i did "writing" this.

seriously though, thank you for your comments. they never fail to make me laugh my ass off. im not good at being serious and showing my emotions, but thank you guys.

im not on here much anymore, and i mostly read ao3 now. if you ever comment or message me i probably won't respond for a couple of weeks, or even months. im really bad at social interactions so please excuse my awkwardness.

thank you for reading and whatnot. have a day :)

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