"I know baby, soon." He kissed my forehead and I nestled my face in the crook of his neck. I missed this more than anything. 


"Dad get up! Let's go to disney world!" The boys were jumping on the end of the bed and it was only 7am. 

"Alright alright. Go get changed and meet me next to the purple lamp in the living room. Quick!" Niall winked as the boys went running out of the room. "Don't worry you can sleep more." I just hummed and sat up a little bit looking over at him.

"You'll have fun, not too much sugar though."

"I know, I know. While we're gone I got you a reservation at this spa in the hotel, it should really help with all the pain you've been having." 

"Have I told you I love you a lot?" I smiled sleepily leaning over and kissing him. 

"But, I don't want you going alone so Liam's new girlfriend Sophia is here. She's going to take you, you can get to know her. She's super sweet."

"Sophia, what happened to Danielle?" I asked feeling more awake.

"They broke up and he met Sophia a little bit ago, she's really nice Kayls. Give her a chance." He told me and I rolled my eyes leaning back against the headboard. "Alright, let me get ready before the boys go crazy with anticipation." 

"I'll see you tonight, I love you." I gave him another kiss before rolling over and falling back asleep. I know Niall needed this time with his boys just as much as I needed time alone. 

"Kayls, wake up." I opened my eyes and saw Liam and some girl, I'm guessing Sophia, standing infront of me. 

"Oh hey." I sat up and rubbed my eyes stretching out my arms. 

"It's time for your guys spa thing. This is my girlfriend Sophia."

"Nice to meet you, sorry I look like this the first time we're meeting." I laughed and she gave me a warm smile. I got up and told them I'd meet them outside in a few minutes once I was ready but oh how I wanted to fall right back asleep. 

"Alright, I'm ready to go." I smiled walking out to where they were sitting.

"Great. It's not too far away. Bye babe." Sophia gave Liam a kiss and helped me out of the room and into the escalator. "What's it like being pregnant?"

"Hell, never do it." I joked watching the floors go down. "It's not that bad, it's worth it."

"I met your boys this morning, they're absolutely adorable." Sophia smiled as we walked out of the elevator toward the spa entrance. "They seem as wild as their dad."

"Oh trust me, they are." Sophia gave the girl our names and they took us in the back and got us ready. The massage was heavenly on my muscles and whatever scrubs they used on my face were amazing. Sophia actually was really nice and she told me about how she's still in college hoping to graduate soon. 

"Now for last thing, you sit in here and let the steam relax you." A lady with a thick polish accent told us, shuffling into a sauna. We sat in there for 20 minutes before she came back out to get us. "You feel good?"

"Yes, thank you. Today has been so lovely." I smiled saying godbye as Sophia and I made our way back upstairs. I hadn't even realized how long we were in there for. 

When we got upstairs I laid down on the couch and Sophia apologized about a million times for having to leave to meet a friend. I was more than happy to be alone in complete silence that is until my stomach started to feel like it was being stabbed a million times.

"Oh god." I groaned sitting up and breathing deeply. I was hoping someone was here but no one came out when I yelled for them. It felt worse and I tried to stand up but just fell forward onto my knees. I looked at the couch and there was blood. everywhere.

"Someone please help me!" I cried hoping anyone was here. After a few minutes Zayn, Louis and Harry walked into the room. 

"Oh my god, Kaylee." Harry rushed over and helped me up onto the couch as I held my stomach.

"What should I do?" Zayn asked sitting in front of me. The pain was so bad I couldn't even answer him, I could barely breathe. 

"Hey- Kaylee what's going on?" Niall rushed into the room dropping everything in his hands. 

"Mommy what happened?" Nat asked looking scared. I just shook my head trying not to scream. 
Why is mommy bleeding?" Benny asked Louis who took the two boys into the other room. 

"Kaylee, Zayn called an ambulance. It's going to be okay." Niall grabbed my hand and my eyes started to have black dots in them. "Kaylee?" I could feel my eyes roll back in my head and my whole world go black.

Niall's P.O.V.

"What's happening to her?" I yelled as I ran after the nurses and doctors. 

"Sir you have to stop here." A nurse stopped me just before the doors, holding my shoulders.

"What's happening to her? She's pregnant! I'm her husband." I tried to push past him but he wouldn't budge.

"We're going to let you know as soon as possible, please just stay calm she's in good hands sir." He directed me toward an empty room where a few of the boys were.

"Zayn is at the hotel with the boys. It's going to be okay." I sat down next to Harry and he pulled me into his side. 

I just wanted to know what was going on. I felt so helpless and useless. I just want her to be okay. 


It's been hours and the doctors have given us nothing. They haven't even come out yet and it's nearly 3am and I'm running on pure adrenline, the fear part.

"Mr.Horan." A tall doctor with dark slicked back hair came out and I sprung up walking over to him. "Have a seat."

"How is she?" I asked my hands sweating, my heart ready to jump out of my chest. 

"So we're doing everything we can. She's just started her third trimester and somethings gone very wrong. I'm sorry. Now I could use technical terms but that will just scare you more and confuse you. Mr.Horan, your wife is experiencing something very tragic. Basically she's going into labor early because of something that's happening with the babies. Unfortunately, either the babies will survive or her."

My heart stopped and it felt like all the oxygen was removed from the air. "There needs to be a choice made. Either she survives or the babie do. I'm extremely sorry for this. It's awful and we wish we could do anything else. The choice needs to be made as soon as possible before we lose them all."

I felt like my world was falling apart and everything was breaking. We would have to chose the destiny of our own children, our babies. "We haven't told your wife about this yet, we're going to now." 

I couldn't even get words out.

This information might just kill her, cause it sure is killing me.


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