Chapter 4: Battle of the Brave

Start from the beginning

Speed is essential. Her wing muscles must also become stronger for her to eventually do long-distance travel. They did the exercise again and again, searing into Avielle's muscles and burning most of her energy. But months of training had pushed her endurance into monstrous levels, making her capable of training continuously for weeks without sleep and only needing short recuperation periods.

Little by little, she was becoming the ultimate soldier just from her training. But the question of the next big thing lingers in her mind. What next? When is she going to fight? Who will she even fight? Who will fight beside her? She was nearing her 7th month with Isidore, but the older shapeshifter hadn't even answered her directly.

"In due time, you will know."

That was what he always answered her. But her nightmares were getting more vivid, and the unrest in her heart growing stronger and stronger everyday. She can feel something in the air, growing thicker every passing second. She knew she was ready for whatever was coming, but what is holding Isidore back?

Before Avielle can think about the certainty of her future, an explosion coming from the nearby mountain startled her and so did the rumbling of the boulders falling down and coming straight at their hut. Avielle screamed for Isidore and the man peaked his head just in time to see several massive boulders coming down at them from the mountain. With lightning speed, they went into the covers of the forest as the rocks crashed into their home in a thundering boom, shaking the very ground where they stood.

"We're under attack!" The older man yelled, craning his head to the sound of the coming helicopters. "Brace yourself!"

Avielle put on her leather pads that she managed to retrieve before their hut was destroyed and whistled for Phoebus. Her eagle companion promptly swooped down and perched onto her shoulder vigilantly. They listened silently as the helicopters landed on the nearby clearing and heard about a hundred or so units marched out, ready to take them out.

"Who are they?" Avielle asked the shapeshifter in a tight, low whisper.

"I can only guess SIDHE. They are the same organization that led humans to the Great War and are out to eliminate all supernaturals. Be careful, Avielle. Some of their soldiers are specialized for fighting creatures like us."

"What are we going to do?"

"Now that they found us, they're never going to stop coming. Better escape out of here fast," Isidore told her through clenched teeth.

"This... this organization. Is this the same one my kind fought?"

The white-haired older shapeshifter nodded somberly. "I'm afraid so. They must have sniffed out that a Sefir still exists and sent these men to eliminate you before you become more of a bigger threat."

The marching was getting closer to them now as Avielle heard barrages of shouting orders to spread out and heavy boots hitting the ground, as well as guns being loaded and cocked. She clenched her teeth. How long will she run away and hide?

Avielle couldn't take it anymore. She must do something.

And she did. With a quick powerful burst, she spread her wings and took off powerfully high into the air, Phoebus flying beside her.

"Avielle! Wait!"

She heard Isidore shouting behind her, but her eyes zeroed in on the helicopters on the nearby clearing and she swooped down to them, almost hitting the speed of sound. The foot soldiers barely saw the flash of something pass in front of them before getting a surprise of their own from the sudden blast behind them that sent them flying. After detonating the explosives in the copters and effectively destroying her enemies transportation, a soldier saw her and started firing rounds at her. Avielle growled and tackled the soldier, immediately noting that he is a human. They were all humans. She knocked him out with a quick blow to the head before rolling to her side as bullets flew past her head.

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