Cԋαρƚҽɾ Oɳҽ - Kαƙαʂԋι

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"How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened."

- Thomas Jefferson


Kakashi Hatake was walking down the street, reading his book. How A Shinobi Should Die. Really, it was a book full of crap.

But he just wanted to pass time. And this book reminded him of Rin, Obito, Minato, Kushina and his father, Sakumo.

No doubt the Hokage would kill him if he was to read Icha Icha Paradise on the way to pick up his genin team.

"Kakashi, my rival!"

The silver-haired man sighed, shutting his book. This was going to be annoying.

"Yes, Guy?"

"I challenge you-"

"No. I'm going to go get my genin team."

"But, but, but you'll fail them like always!"

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the man in the green spandex. He had gotten quite good at that since everyone could only see one eye. 

"Says who? Maybe they'll be the team to pass." Kakashi shrugged, before starting to walk away.

Guy sighed, exasperated. "Fine...fine. I'll challenge you later!"

Kakashi rolled his eyes - sorry, eye. "I hope not."

The man made his way down the street, people immediately making way for the famed Copy Ninja. Kakashi really didn't like the attention and whispers whenever he walked past, but it was normal now.

The jonin was standing outside of the door to the academy, actually early for once. Really, he just wanted to scope out the batch of genin this time round.

"Ah, Kakashi." A man walked forwards, waving.

Kakashi gave him his closed-eye smile. "Asuma. Hey."

"You here to pick 'em up?" Asuma asked, a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yup." Kakashi nodded. "You?"

"Same here." Asuma sighed. "I've got this generation's Ino-Shika-Cho. Interesting bunch, I have to say. Very much like their parents."

Kakashi let out a soft chuckle. "Ino-Shika-Cho, huh? I've probably got the most...let's just say distant group."

"You got the Uchiha kid?" Asuma asked, though he already knew the answer. Kakashi obviously did, since the kid was an Uchiha, which mean he was supposed to have the Sharigan, which only Kakashi could teach the kid.

Kakashi nodded. "And the Fox child, and Haruno."

"Of course." Asuma chuckled. "The most talented prodigy teaching the other prodigies, huh?"

Kakashi rolled his eyes, before jerking a thumb in the direction of the classroom. "You going in?"

"Wish me luck." Asuma winked, before taking in a long and deep breath of the cigarette and walking confidently into the room, yelling loudly the names of his students. "Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi, you're with me!"

Flicking open his book, Kakashi eyed the door as Asuma came out with his kids. Kakashi had to admit they looked very much like their parents.

"When are you going in?" A female voice asked while passing Kakashi.

He didn't even look up from his book before answering. "All in due time, Kurenai. All in due time. Good luck."

"Hope you like your genin this time!" Kurenai replied with a wave before walking into the room.


Finally looking up from his book, Kakashi realised he had been standing out here for much longer than he anticipated. But, as he had planned, his group was the last to be inside.

Kakashi didn't even need to look to know that Naruto had planted a prank. Kakashi sighed, rubbing his temples while tucking his book away. These kids had a long way to learn.

Walking into the classroom, Kakashi let the whiteboard eraser fall onto his head while analysing the three students left.

"Haha!" Naruto burst into laughter, his obnoxious orange clothing making Kakashi cringe internally. "It worked!"

Kakashi could hear Sasuke scoffing and thinking if he was even jonin. The silver-haired man tuned out of Sakura's apologising, already knowing that he wouldn't pass this group, like all the others.

"My first impression on you?" Kakashi said lowly, cutting into Sakura's apologies. All three of them genin looked at him.

"You're all annoying. Meet me on the roof in five."

"Five what?" Naruto questioned. "Five seconds?"

Kakashi's mask twisted into something that looked like a smile. "Now that you've said that, why not? Five seconds starting...now."

With a swish, the jonin was gone. Sakura started to freak out, rushing to the stairs and bolting up the stairs. Sasuke did the same but stopped on a detour to smack the back of Naruto's head before following Sakura.

"Aw, man..." Naruto sighed, before following his new teammates up the stairs.

Kakashi was on the roof already, whistling a tune to himself while counting. He looked up at the sky, taking in the beautiful weather. Then his mood darkened. If these genins passed his test, then they'd be in for a treat.

"And...zero." Kakashi turned around to see a puffing Sasuke leaning over, on the roof. Naruto stumbled up after a minute or so, and Sakura wasn't too far behind.

Kakashi sighed. "Alright. You guys are going to undertake my test to determine if you're fit to be shinobi or not. Understood? Now tell me about yourself."

Sakura let out a shriek. "Determine if we're fit or not? Didn't we already pass the genin test?"

"You're not genin until I say so." Kakashi shrugged. "That test was just to filter out those who would waste our time."

The three of them gulped, seeing the cold and calculating side of their sensei. They had heard of this particular ninja, of course. He was famous for a reason. Student of the late Fourth Hokage, youngest ever to become a jonin, and probably completed more missions than anyone else.

He was really an amazing figure.

"Tell me about yourself." Kakashi urged.

No one answered.

"Fine." The tall ninja stretched. "Play it your way. Meet me at training ground three tomorrow morning at six o'clock, we'll do the test then."

"Is that it?" Sasuke says quietly, the first thing he said that day to Kakashi.

His sensei looked coolly at his student, and Sasuke felt a chill go down his spine. "Yes, that's it. See you all tomorrow morning."

Just as Kakashi was about to leave, a bird swooped down and stopped at the railing beside the jonin, a scroll tied to its leg.

Kakashi let out a groan. "Another mission? I completed one. Just then. Like, four hours ago."

The bird didn't reply, only stood there. Kakashi glared at it before looking at the scroll. His eyes grew wide at the text, before waving goodbye to his students.

The three of them only heard him say two words, and that was enough to make them surprised that he would be there tomorrow morning.



Author's Note

Hey, I put Kakashi in this one! I wanted Kakashi to be more of a deliberate person because that's how he's going to fit into my story. Anyways, I can't wait for the next chapter!

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~ Magica2007

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