"Baltazaar.." she started to say but was cut off by his hands circling her neck.

"Have you lost the last minuscule portion of your vacuous mind?" he asked as he choked her, pushing her roughly into the wall.

Emma struggled for air as she clawed at his hands. It had been a while since he put his hands on her but each time was as shocking as the first.

"St-op" she tried to say as repeatedly hit his hands.

After a moment, he let her go, leaving her to crumple over on the floor as she tried to catch her breath.

"I was heading to my chambers when I heard banging in my cabinet. What are you doing in here?" He asked seriously.

Slowly, Emma began to rise as she faced him. She had a hand around her neck, rubbing the sore spot that he had latched on to.

"I was looking for something" she said, eyeing him warily.

"In my private cabinet? How did you even get in here?" He questioned but she did not answer him.

"Fine, do not answer. I've been meaning to talk to you anyways. What is your current situation with Eli now?  I heard you call him Elias, though you failed to inform me of his real name. Did he tell you anything else of significance? Is he actually interested in you? Have you noticed anything strange about him?" Baltazaar bombarded her with questions as he retrieved the candle holder from the floor.

It was now dented from the repeated trauma of Emma trying to break the lock off of the chest.

"I-I don't think... I d-don't know..." Emma stammered.

"Think? Did I not tell you not to 'think' ? Just do! God, are you that stubborn or are you just stupid?" Baltazaar spat angrily as he turned around and slammed the candle holder onto the table, startling Emma.

"He is not an easy person to deal with you know! And besides, he is actually really kind... and benevolent" Emma said lowly as she recalled him protecting her from danger.

"Benevolent?" Baltazaar asked, "Emma, do you actually care for this creature?" He asked incredulously as he turned to look at her, his eyes wide with disbelief.

She was silent as she watched him fearfully.

"Whatever" he said after a moment as he shook his head. "Just as long as you get him to side with us, I could not careless if you wanted to bed him, just win him over. Give him something to fight for" Baltazaar said with conviction. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Baltazaar" she nodded at him.

"Good. Now get out! If I catch you digging around again, I will not be so lenient. The only reason you did not get punished for running away again was because you discovered Eli" he said firmly.

With that, Emma hurried past him to head through the door but he stopped her when he spoke again.

"Also, everything you stole from my chambers, return them. You are lucky the castle is filled with so many upperclassmen or else you would regret it. I hope you have not overshared anything with your new lover. Use your head, not your cunt and stick to the plan" he said sternly.

Nodding towards him, Emma then left the cabinet.

With tears in her eyes, she ran to her chambers, quickly closing it behind her as she placed her forehead on the wooden surface while she cried.

"What is the reason for your tears?" She heard someone say behind her.

Startled, she quickly turned around, wiping the salty fluid from her eyes and cheeks.

RebirthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon