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[ 𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙜: 𝙨𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙡𝙮 - 𝙘𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚 ]

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This was the last time you were being asked to vote to have someone in the elimination challenge. Obviously you wanted Taylor gone but that meant putting her against Harrison and, being as competitive as she was, she wouldn't go easy on him.

Everyone voted for Taylor. You knew that much even before Kian and Jc would reveal it as everyone was tired of how loud she was.

What came as a shock though was that all five votes were for Taylor - meaning she voted for herself. You had to admit; she took it like a champ.

"This is a pretty bad elimination," Jc stated, causing Harry to take in a sharp inhale of breath beside you, "might involve a creature. We'll see you guys then."

The hosts disappeared from sight and it was your turn to discuss what you thought the challenge would be. Taylor headed into the kitchen and Manny scooted over to you and Harry, "eating challenge?"

"Maybe... like insects? Where's Ryan when you need him," you sighed.

Harry flopped back on the couch, "I don't think I'm going to eat."

Both you and Manny turned your head towards him in shock, "wait, why?"

"I just don't want it in-"

Taylor rejoined you, asking if it was a surprise that she'd voted for herself. Manny answered her but Harry immediately stopped talking and took a sip of his water bottle.

"Someone told me we're eating ghost peppers!" shouted Dom from behind the couch.

Manny put a hand over his mouth, muffling his words, "no way."

"Not you because you're safe baby," Dom laughed, "carolina reapers, jalapeño peppers that were stuck up Kian's ass and then they took them out-"

"-Dom, how much have you had to drink?" You asked.

"I'm safe, doesn't matter what I have," he slurred.


As you walked out onto the patio with the group, you quickly stopped Harry to wish him good luck whilst you still had the chance. You could tell he was worried about the challenge but that didn't stop him from flashing a smile, "don't worry, how bad can it be?"

"You want a sip of my water? You've barely eaten or drank all day."

He shook his head, "nah, I don't wanna throw up anything."

"If you're sure?" you replied. You looked towards Kian and Jc who had set up a table by the fire pit. There were measuring bowls on each end of the table but not substance yet. Whatever it was, you knew it would probably be horrendous.

You, Dom and Manny took a seat on the wall whilst Taylor and Harry stood on opposite sides of the table.

"Welcome to the final elimination," greeted Kian, "you excited? Or nervous?"

"Chillin'," replied Harry.

"Let's do this," said Taylor.

Kian pulled an open can into view and the smell hit everyone almost immediately. He placed a can each in front of the two competitors, "this is called Surströmming. It's fermented baltic sea herring which is really, really, really, really, really old fish."

Not to be dramatic but you and those not competing were holding their noses in order to not throw up. This stuff smelt like it'd been chewed, thrown up, left in the sun and repeated four times.

"We looked it up to make sure it's edible... it's 50/50," continued Kian.

Manny gasped whilst you had a different approach to the news, whispering, "what the fuck".

"So, with the jar, the weight is 2.4 ounces exactly. We're going to give you five minutes to each as much as you can. If one of you finished before the five minutes, you're the winner. When the five minutes is up, we'll put it back in the jar and re-weigh it," explained Jc.

He then brought your attention to a clear bowl, "we have a few rules. These are puke bowls. If you put it in your mouth and you think you can't handle it, spit it into this bowl."

"You can either a) eat what you puked up or b) whatever you don't wanna finish, we will weigh," said Kian, "if you spit it on the floor, we will have to penalise you. You get 4 ounces added to your weight."

The idea of having to eat something your body couldn't handle the first time was truly horrible and, whilst you were glad it wasn't you, you were worried for Harrison and what he was going to have to go through.

"Can they have water?" you asked.

Both hosts shook their head, "no."

"Tequila?" asked Dom.

"Maybe after."

Taylor and Harrison were then both asked to pour the tin of fish into a bowl and the smell got ten times worse.

"It's not that bad," Dom yelled, "I've smelt worse."

"Yeah, you got this Harry!" you added.

The timer started and both sides immediately put at least half a fish in their mouth. The difference between them is that Harry began to gag, whereas Taylor just kept shoving the food into her mouth as if it didn't smell like a sweaty butthole.

"I can't watch," you whispered as you buried your head into Manny's shoulder. Whilst it masked the smell of the fish a little, hearing Harrison in pain didn't sit right with you.

"Neither. Feel like I'm about to throw up myself."

He gagged three or four more times before you heard him talk, "I'm so sorry guys."

You lifted your head up to look at him, "don't be, just breathe. Take your time."

Dom, still covering his mouth, began giving him words of advice, "hold your nose whilst you eat. You got this, brother."

Harry managed to swallow what was in his mouth and eat the other half of the fish whereas, in the meantime, Taylor had eaten three and a half.

"She likes it," laughed Kian.

Taylor slapped a fish against the table, "no, I want the fucking $50,000, that's what I want."

Harry began gagging again and shook his head. You could tell he was slowly giving up as he spat into the puke bowl.

Kian lifted a finger in his direction, "what the- that's going on your record."

Harry didn't respond and instead paced as he struggled to get the second fish down, which made Taylor very aware that he was likely to stop trying. She threw the fish she was holding back into the bowl, "at this point."

With a minute and a half to go, she stood still, staring Harrison down.

"Mate, I can't do it," Harry uttered as he looked down, avoiding her gaze. He wiped his mouth with the napkin, "I can't."

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