"Sometimes," my dad told him. "If it's a federal crime."

"What about fires?," Derek questioned.

"Oh my god, where's Scott?," Stiles asked, trying to change the subject.

"Shouldn't Scott be here by now? We should call Scott," I suggested, but fully meaning it so I can get away from this damn table.

"What kind of, um, what kind of fires you talking about?," my dad asked, both of them still ignoring us.

"Do you know anything about the Hale family?," Derek asked. This was not going to be pretty.
We were in Scott's room, and Derek had Stiles pinned against the wall, with his face being smushed, due to the fact Derek was holding the back of his head.

"OK, I didn't lie, I omitted certain truths. Vital truths, now that I think about it," Stiles said best he could, while having his face shoved into a wall.

"Derek, let him go," I demanded, with a slight growl.

"I don't wanna talk to you, I will only talk to the alphas," Derek said, still talking to Stiles. "I will only talk to Scott and to her." He pointed at me. Wow, I'm shocked. he still wants to talk to me.

"I'm just gonna go downstairs, and I'm gonna call him, alright. You 2 stay here, don't move, k? Don't move," Stiles told us in a rush, went to go downstairs, then jerked himself back to the doorway. "Don't move. I thought I saw you move," he said in a rush, then actually going downstairs this time.

"Well, you can just sit here, Derek," I said patting Scott's bed. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, then I'll come back so we can talk" I walked into the bathroom connected to Scott's bedroom, and closed the door.

After a minute or so, I heard some voices and a window open. I rushed out to see what was happening, and the same time Stiles stepped in the doorway of my brother's room.

I saw a girl climbing out of the window, and when the wind blew her hair from her face, I saw it was Kate. She smirked when she saw us. I growled in response.

When she jumped down, Stiles said into his phone,"I think you might be right."
I ran over to the school, literally(I left without Stiles), after Scott called and told me what happened.

Apparently Kate turned Derek into a teenager so she could access the Hale vault that was under the school sign and get hold of the triskele. She wanted Derek to teach her control.

When I got there I saw Malia and Scott locked in battle with some giant person wearing animal bones, on the stairs. I think they're called Berserkers. Peter Hale and Chris Argent have mentioned them before.

I saw Malia inching backwards, crab walking, and one of the berserkers threw Scott to where she was. I scaled the side of the stairs as fast as I could, and jumped in front of them, popping out my claws and fangs, and making my face change, along with glowing my eyes red, in the process. I inhaled their awful stench: the smell of death. I roared at the 2 berserkers, and started attacking, them, clawing them repeatedly. Then one punched me, sending me flying into Scott.

Kira then jumped out of nowhere and started attacking them with her sword. Then like an idiot(not saying that I'm not one), she looked back at Scott and smiled.

"KIRA," Scott shouted.

They took her distraction to their advantage, and hit her, sending her flying into us. We all watched them when young Derek ran up and started battling the 2 of them. He face started changing back into the regular Derek. He continued to fight them until a roar sounded from where the sign was, and they ran in that direction.

"Derek," Scott and I called.

When he looked back at us, we say that his face was back to normal, except for the fact his eyes were gold, not blue.
After the fight, apparently Peter got robbed. As him and Kate were prepared to attack each other, someone threw a smoke bomb down to blind them and they stole Peter's bearer bonds.
$117 million worth.
When I got home, I went straight to my room to go to bed.

"Night, Scott," I called.

"Goodnight, Alyssa," he responded.
I put on my pjs, turned off the light, and went to sleep.

It was dark and rainy as we were fighting the Oni. We were in Oak Creek, fighting the Oni, which Used to belong to Kira's mom, but the nogitsune turned them against us. We were fighting until someone got rid of the nogitsune, since they couldn't be killed, or so we thought.

All of a sudden, one of Allison Argent's(the girl who was like my sister) arrows flew into one of the Oni, making it glow, the do what nine of us thought possible, killed it.

We were all shocked, and were staring at Allison. I then saw one of the other Oni walking towards her. I started running towards her, but then the Oni stabbed her through her stomach. Half of the blade was sticking through her back, blood spreading on her shirt. The Oni removed the blade, and she started falling towards the ground...
~End of Dream~

"ALLISON," I screeched as loud as I could, sobbing. "ALLISON! NO, I'M SORRY! PLEASE ALLISON!"
I woke up to the sound of my sister screaming, "PLEASE ALLISON!"

It was about 1:30 A.M., around the time she always wakes up, due to her nightmares. She usually has them every night, always about the same thing: Allison's death. It causes her to have a lack of sleep, making her always tired, and not to mention we don't get enough sleep as it is.

I got out of bed, and started walking to her room. When I was close to her door, I saw my mom and dad walking this way.

"I got her," I told them groggily.

They nodded, and went back to sleep, dad on the couch, mom in her room. I stood there for a moment, listening to Alyssa's loud sobs through the door.
I opened it up, slipping in her room, closing her door behind me. I walked over to her bed, sat down, and pulled her into me.

"It's okay," I whispered. "I'm here."

"It's a-all my f-fault she's dead, I c-could have s-saved her," she said to me. "I c-could if t-taken the blade. I don't deserve your comfort." She tried pulling away from me.

"There was nothing you could of done," I told her. There was nothing any of us could of done.

"I could of taken the sword for her," she whispered again, falling back asleep a minute later in my arms, but still whimpering. I just sighed and hugged her closer. She may be 15 and hates being treated like a child, but I know she could use the support.

The New Beta(Liam Dunbar Fanfic, Teen Wolf)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora