Chapter 3 Tag part 1

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                "The first long game will start now. It's called 'Tag'. The rules are simple. One of you is 'it'. If 'it' touches someone else, the role is transferred to them. In one hour, who ever is 'it' will be executed. Now look at your watches. If your watch glows with red light, you are 'it'. The game starts now"

          Everyone looked at their watches. Junjie glanced at his, and as relieved to see that it wasn't glowing red. But as he looked at the others, he heard a loud sound that sounded like a beep, followed by an angry female voice."Did you just... GET BACK HERE, MOLE THING!" Everyone turned to the person who shouted. It was the black and blue haired girl, and she was chasing after Pronto. Junjie could see her watch glowing red. It was pretty clear what had happened. Pronto must've been it and tagged her. Most people just stood quietly, but not everyone. Three people rushed after the girl and Pronto. It was (to no one's surprise) Eli, Kord and Trixie. Junjie motioned for Erika, Riley, Paul and June to follow him, as he also set off on this chase. "Junjie, where are we going?" asked Riley. "See those three people chasing the girl? The guy with dark blue hair is the protector of the ninety nine caverns" Junjie quickly replied, as the group hurried through winding hallways, passing many rooms. This place they were in seemed way bigger now. At this point it was clear that finding their way back to the main room was going to be challenging. The beep sound sounded again. But the group continued on anyway. They continued on and on for a while, until they lost sight of the Eli's group.

        "Looks like we lost 'em," Riley said, as the group stopped, panting. That's when the loud beep happened again. What even was that? Junjie could only wonder. Paul checked his watch, pressing the buttons on the side. "Looks like we've been chasing them for twenty minutes" he stated, while trying to catch his breath. Erika looked at him with a surprised face "Wait, how do you know that?". "Oh, I pressed the buttons on the side. If you do it, it shows how much time is left" Paul said. After he said that, everyone immediately checked what he said. True enough, the watch showed that thirty nine minutes were left. That's when another loud beep sounded. "Okay, what's with that sound!" June exclaimed, frustrated. It didn't take long for everyone to start stating their opinions on what it could be.

          "Maybe it happens every five minutes?"

         "Can't be. We heard the first almost immediately after this began"

         "Maybe there's a bomb somewhere?"

         "That is still too random"

     "Everyone stop!" loudly said Riley. "Listen" he said, and motioned for everyone to be quiet. In the silence that fell over the hallway, Junjie could hear footsteps coming from somewhere nearby. It sounded like someone was running towards them. About ten seconds later, a man with brown hair, dressed in blue clothing ran around the corner. His eyes quickly scanned the area, and before anyone could say anything, he hit Paul and turned around the next corner."Hey, get back here!" shouted June, as she started running after him. Riley turned to Paul saying "Are you okay?" only to notice that Paul stared at his watch in horror as a red light turned on. A loud beep sounded. Erika, who was the closest to Paul, backed away by a few steps. None of them said anything, but they knew what this meant. In 30 minutes, Paul was going to die.

This chapter is shorter then the previous ones. I decided to split the long game into two parts, because the next one is going to be longer.

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