Chapter 5

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I have never wished for the day to be over so much! As I ran up to my room, I couldn't wait to get to sleep. I threw on on oversized black T-shirt and some leggings, brushed my teeth, washed my face and jumped into bed. I lay, staring at the ceiling. I thought about the events of the day. OMG Jungkook kissed me. I hardly know him, what if he likes me, what if he wants to take things seriously. Was he being serious? Eventually my mind was so crammed with thoughts, that tiredness took over me.

I woke up to my mum shouting at me and pulling the blankets of my curled up, sleeping body. Sunlight spilled in through the gap in the curtains and flooded the room like an overflowing river. SHIT! I threw on some clothes, not having time to do my hair and makeup. I grabbed my backpack and jumped in the car. My mum drove me to school and I ran into the building just as the bell went off. Why, of all days did I have to be late today?

I casually walked into my tutor room and apologised to my tutor. I looked around to see a beaming face smiling at me. I took a seat next to Jungkook. "Y/n I thought you weren't coming!" He exclaimed while punching me playfully. "Ouch, Jungkook!" I shouted, overreacting. He immediately started kissing my arm better. The hot gentle touch of his lips making my breath shake and my arms tingle. I pushed his head away, "ewww Jungkook!" I said in a joking way. We both erupted into laughter causing the whole class to stare.

Later that day I was in the cafeteria, I would usually sit with my friends but they were nowhere in sight. I aimlessly looked round to see a pair of arms frantically waving in my direction. Jungkook laughed as he sat back down and I walked over to him. I pulled up a chair and sat next to him placing my noodle pot on the small, overcrowded table in front of me. I recognised a few of the other boys on the table from my lessons however many, I had never seen before.

"Y/n, these are my friends," introduced jungkook. He individually pointed to them while saying their names, "Jimin, Taehyung, Jin, Yoongi , Hoseok and Namjoon." They smiled at me and waved. Throughout lunch break I get to know them; Jimin was a quiet person, caring and loving; Tae was also one of the quieter people, however he made everyone laugh; Jin was the oldest and told many awful jokes and talked about food; Yoongi was quiet and simple and seemed to hate me, Jungkook told me not to take it personally; Hoseok was an incredible dancer and was also the crazy one of the group; and finally, Namjoon, who was clumpy but the best at speaking English.

They all seemed like really nice people and they welcomed me into the group really quickly. I could see why they were the most popular in the school. I mean they were all gorgeous with their flawless skin and their perfect faces. The girls drooled over them, giggled when they looked in their direction and they hated me.

Word began to spread about the new girl from England who was hanging out with the most popular boys in the school. As well as having a close group of friends, I now had many enemies too. I pushed my fears aside and took a stroll down the corridor. It was weird, I had only been at this school for 3 days, yet I was the most popular girl and the biggest talk of the school.

Occasionally I would walk past the small group of students. They would turn their heads and stare at me, then exchange glances and whisper to each other. They were like snakes, hunting down their prey and I felt vulnerable so I made my way back to my locker only to be grabbed my the wrist and dragged into the girls bathroom.

She pinned me to the wall as I thrashed about trying to break free of her strong grasp. Tired, I gave in, allowing myself to take a look at the girl who had hold of me... she was taller than me with long skinny legs and a tiny waist. She was wearing a short, black, leather skirt which was way too short and revealed half of her ass; a pair of black fishnet tights; a pair of black, high heeled, studded boots; a white shirt, unbuttoned to show her cleavage; and a black chocker necklace. Her hair was chestnut brown and tied up into a tight ponytail and her bangs, perfectly cut, covered her forehead. Her eyes were pale blue and she was wearing way too much makeup. She had over the top, large hoop earrings and an uncountable amount of rings. What did she want?

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