Alison doesn't care

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I looked over at Chloe with a sad face, telling her she chosen the wrong sister to side with. I took one quick glance at Alison, who was still smirking, and ran up the stairs. I went into the den where Jason was laughing at a funny part of the movie we were watching.

He looked over at me confused, "Where's the popcorn?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "I'm not in the mood anymore to watch movies, I'm just going to go to my room." I told him with a sad look.

Jason sighed and paused the movie. He got up from the couch and came over to me, "What happened?" He questioned.

The tears came out before I could stop them, "I-I hit C-c-Chloe, and Alison saw it! She's going to send me away again!" I cried. I felt his strong arms wrap around me, and I could smell alcohol on him he had been drinking earlier. Of course now, I wish he haven't drank the whole box, because now I wanted to get drunk and forget everything. Forget that I have a psycho twin sister, who's out to get me. That I was in a mental hospital for most of my life, living behind walls of hell.

"Why, Courtney? Just why?"

I pulled away from him, "She's choosing Alison over me! She thinks Ali is this big hero that's going to save her! When I know Alison just using her!" I screamed at him.

My brother sighed and shook his head, "That's not true Court, this is Ali were talking about. She might not have a heart around us, but with Chloe? She loves that little girl more then anyone of us. Do you know how heartbroken she was, when Chloe left?" He paused waiting for me to answer and I just simply shook my head. "She cried for days, she slept in Chloe's room all the time. And when mom and dad decide to get ruin all of Chloe's stuff, Alison was the one going through the trash grabbing everything she could. Alison was never the same after that."

I just rolled my eyes, "Alison. Doesn't. Care." I growled at him.

Jason held his hands up in surrender, "Alright then, keep telling yourself that. Because obviously you don't know your own twin sister." He answered and went back to the couch and press play. I rolled my eyes once more, and left the den.

Once I was in the hallway, I heard the front door slam shut. I went halfway down the stairs and saw Chloe and Alison were gone. I smiled, they were gone.

Now found something to prove that Alison is just using Chloe. I thought to myself. I raced back up the stairs to Alison closed door. Her threat about not going in there crossed my mind, but I just pushed it back.

I opened Ali's door and quickly slipped inside, closing the door right behind me. I tiptoed towards her window and saw Alison car drive off. I sighed in relief, and turned on her lamp.

Time to get to work.


•Two hours later•


I stuffed my hand into the large popcorn as Alison and I were leaving the theater and heading towards her car.

After we left our house, we decide to still go to the movies. Where we saw Mockingjay part one. And, Oh My God. Best. Movie. Ever. Well beside the fact that Alison got everything I wanted while we were there. She got me popcorn, a box of Sour Patch Kids, and an Icee, which I haven't had since I was like ten. I pulled my hand out of the popcorn, that was filled with popcorn, and stuffed it all into my mouth. Dropping a few pieces along the way.

After I had swallow the hand filled of popcorn, I looked over at Ali. "That, was the best movie I have seen in forever."

Alison chuckled, "Well, I'm glad you liked it."

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