The Trial

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•One Week Later, Courtney's Trial•


Today is the day of Courtney's trial, of course, I can't go but Alison and Nick are both going. Alison has to go because, well, she is her sister and she wants to make sure that Courtney stays in jail. While Nick is going so I can see what's going on. He's wearing this glasses that have a camera and microphone built in, while I stayed locked in my room and watched. Like where the hell do they get these things, the FBI, or the iSpy store? Anyways, I was begging for Courtney to win, because my life was at the palm of her hands.


Today is the day. The day weather or not Alison goes to jail. I felt good about this trial though, I was going to win. I just knew it. I wasn't going to let her win this time. My mother had to bring me clothes for me to wear today. Luckily, I was able to shower again and I was actually allowed a little bit a makeup, just enough to make me happy. By the time I was ready, it was time to go.

Once we got to the court house, they led me through all of the news reporters until we entered the courtroom. When we entered the room, I noticed that there was already some people there, one of those people being Ali. I rolled my eyes at the thought of her being here, probably because our parents made her come. The guards led me to the table where Mrs. Hastings was at and the cuffs were finally taken off. Once they were off, I quickly rubbed my wrist and sat down next to Spencer's mom.

"Is Emily and the girls coming?" I whispered to her.

She sighed, "I didn't want them coming, but yes they are."

I looked at her confused, "Why wouldn't you want them coming here?"

"People will get suspicious Courtney if your friends follow you everywhere. Yes, they did help but they need to keep their distance at the same time." Mrs. Hastings explained. She looked back behind us at the people and then turned around, facing forward again.

She grabbed the notepad in front of her and started writing on it. Once she was done she handed it over to me. I looked at her confused, but quickly read the note.

'Did you notice that your sister is here?' She wrote.

I nodded, and she quickly crossed out her note with a pen, hiding the note. "Hopefully, once were finish here she'll be the one behind this table." She whispered to me.


Suddenly the jury walked into the court room. I counted as reached of them walked into the court room. Twelve people. Just normal people who were to tell my faith. Go back to jail, or get my sister back.

•One Hour Later•


Nothing for an hour, well, except for the fact the prosecutor made Courtney look like the worst person in the world and a killer. Once the prosecutor was done, the judge called a recess. Which meant another hour waiting for my faith and Courtney's.

Also because I'm stuck with Nick, I only saw what he saw. Since he was in the back of the court room, I didn't get to see much of Courtney.

Anyways, once the recess was called, Nick quickly raced out of the court room and went near the bathrooms. About five minutes later, Alison showed up, which meant this little meeting thing was planned.

Alison smirked once she looked up at Nick's stupid glasses with the camera built inside, and it was like she was staring right at me.

Finally the devil in front of screen spoke. "I would start accepting that your stuck with us, Chloe." She lowered her voice once she spoke my name. "Because they just dig Courtney's grave." Alison chuckled. "Let's see how she gets her ass out of this one."

Alison paused and looked down at her phone and groaned. "We will probably be in there for another two hours and I don't think I can stand being in there any longer." She then looked back up at Nick. "Do you think my parents would care if I left? I mean, I'm not the one on trial for murder."

"You should be." I mumbled to myself.

Nick shook his head, "Most likely not, just tell them this is too much for you and you don't want to learn the truth. And, I'll stay here and both of you can watch." He answered.

Alison did her signature smirk, "Smart idea, Nick." Then she looked at them from the corner of her eye. "Better ask them now." She said before walking off.

Nick turned and faced her as she went over to my parents, who looked like they were about to break down in tears. Alison played her best innocent act and I heard her mumble a few things from were Nick was at, and to my surprise. They nodded. Alison quickly hugged our parents and quickly ran off. Which meant she was coming back here. Great.

•Thirty minutes later•


We were able to start the trial when I turned around and notice that Alison was missing from her seat. Panic suddenly rushed in. If they find me not guilty, and she's not here for them to arrested. How long will it take before they find her again?

I quickly turned back around and grabbed Mrs. Hastings attention. She looked at me confused. "What?"

"Alison's gone." I told her.

Her eyes widened and she turned back around and looked for her too. When she turned back around she sighed. "I guess we won't be arresting her today." Mrs. Hastings quickly shrugged it off. "But that doesn't matter right now, Courtney. What matters is getting you out of here and we'll let the police do their job."

I gulped and nodded.


Alison arrived about ten minutes later at the apartment after she told our parents where she was going. She let me out of room and into the living room, where we continued to watch the trial from Nick's view. I guess the only good thing about her coming back was that she brought Chinese take out. Anyways, I haven't really said much to her since she got here, except to pass me a plate. She knew I was pissed with her, but that didn't stop her from asking questions.

"So, once were finished here, where do you want to go? California? Arizona?" She asked me as she ate her Sweet and Sour Chicken. I shrugged my shoulders, and she rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Chloe. Do you honesty think Courtney is going to get out of jail and suddenly become your hero?"

"Maybe," I mumbled.

Alison chuckled, "Please, there is no way for her get out. The amount of evidence against proves that she 'killed' you and will probably get life in prison." I didn't answer, but I could tell Alison was waiting for a response from me. But when she never got it, she took a sip out of her drink. "That's what I thought."



I'm going to be putting this story on hold until January 12. It is just I'm very busy and I really don't have time to update. Unless I'm feeling like updating, I will not be updating until the Winter Premiere.

Okay I'm done.

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