Just Friends . . . But Turns Into Something Else

Start from the beginning

"Dude, and I'm riding in your motorcycle. Don't drive too fast. I'll fall off, ass hole." Reita sat on his motorcycle and Ruki sat behind him, wrapping his small arms around Reita's waist. He was given a helmet also. Reita turned on the ignition and backed up from outside Ruki's garage. Then, he drove off. Ruki held on tight to Reita, saying to himself,"I don't want to die. I don't want to die."

Before you knew it, they were already at the café. Ruki took off the helmet and shook his head to get his hair back in order. He grabbed his brush from his bag and brushed his hair down since it was messed up. He removed himself from the motorcycle. "Never drive me on that monster again." Ruki complained.

"Sorry." Reita looked down ashamed.

"I-it's fine. I just got scared." Ruki hugged Reita and pecked him on the cheek, leaving a glossy kiss mark on Reita's cheek. Ruki giggled and wiped it off with his thumb. Reita blushed lightly and smiled.

"C'mon. Let's get lunch." Reita said and wrapped his arm around Ruki's shoulders.


"Hey Ruki, can I umm... spend the night tonight?" Reita asked as they arrived to Ruki's home from the café.

"Sure. I think you are the only one who asked, besides Kai. Uruha and Aoi do their own thing." Ruki smiled sweetly and they went in the house. Reita was surprised by Ruki's response. He didn't expect to get a "yes" from Ruki. However, there was a rule; DON'T MESS UP RUKI's HOME OR HE'LL MESS UP YOUR FACE!!!!

Reita walked in Ruki's home and sat himself down on the couch. Ruki sat next to him, hugging his knees to his chest. He poked Reita's cheek. "What?"

"What do you wanna do? It's just me and you. And ew... that rhymed." Reita chuckled at Ruki's question. He shrugged and sighed.

"I don't know. We can play a game." Reita responded and smirked. "Truth or Dare?"

"Ooh! I love that game.... behind Rock-Paper-Scissors. Remember last year, it was me, you, and Uruha during tour and me and you won Rock-Paper-Scissors. I forgot what we were competing for?" Ruki pursed his lips.

"Yeah. I remember. So, Truth or Dare? I'll go first. T or D?" Reita asked.


"You want the D? I'll give it to you.. Hehe.. " Reita laughed. "Just kidding. Umm. I dare you to say that I'm the best friend in the world."

"Reita is the best friend in the world. Wow, Reita. That was corny." Ruki stuck his tongue out. "T or D?"

"T." Reita responded and looked at Ruki who was smiling uncontrollably.

"Okay. Is it true that you suck dick?" Ruki bit his lip and giggled.

"You dirty little midget!" Reita lightly punched Ruki's arm.

"Hey! You gotta answer it."

"I've never sucked one before. Nor seen one, besides my own. I've never attempt to suck one or touch another. So, I don't know exactly." Reita shrugged. Ruki pursed his lips and sighed.

"Be right back. About to go change into my pjs. Then, we can continue." Ruki ran upstairs to his room, his delicious smelling vanilla scent flew past Reita. Reita's eyes were filled with lust now as he imagined Ruki undressing in front of him. He imagined Ruki's small girly body seducing him. I want you so bad. Reita thought and ignored the boner that begged to escape his pants.

Ruki came back downstairs with a pj shirt that buttoned up and a pair of pj pants with a drawstring. He sat next to Reita again and hugged his knees to his chest. "Let's continue." Ruki smiled.

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