The Sleep Over

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Title: The Sleep Over

Couple/ Characters(I do not own): Reituki, Aoiha, Kai

Description: Uruha invites his friends for a sleep over for a day. Reita and Ruki sleeping on the floor, Aoi and Uruha on the bed, and Kai wants to sleep in the couch with his mayonnaise. However, Uruha hears strange noises which sounds like moaning. He assumed it was Reita and Ruki screwing around but it turns to not be them........ Where are the strange noises coming from???

A/N: I'm bored..... and I just decided to write this. Yeah...

Listening to: Redo -The GazettE


Uruha and Aoi were at an ice cream shop talking about what they could do with the rest of the band members.

"How about a sleep over?" Aoi said rubbing his soft tan-ish white skin of his face.

"That's a wonderful idea. Let me text the guys." Uruha agreed and pulled out his iPhone.

"To:Ruki, Kai, Reita iMessage: 2:14pm: Hey you guys!!!! I am planning... well, Aoi and I are planning a sleep over at my house... our guys are welcome to come and enjoy yourselves at my house. Snacks, games, and etc. Please come!!!! We need you guys!!!"

Uruha sent the text and put his iPhone in his pants pocket.

"Finished my ice cream. Ready to go?" Aoi asked Uruha. Uruha nodded and stood up from his seat. Aoi stood next to Uruha holding his hand and walked out. People looked at them with giggles and whispers.

"Aye!!! Don't judge gays!!" The cashier said and winked at Uruha and Aoi as they walked out.

~at Uruha/ Aoi's home~

Uruha recieved a text from his phone.

"From: Group text; Kai, Reita, Ruki iMessage; 3:45pm: Ruki~ okay. I'll be there at 5. I'm at a photo shoot for a magazine; Reita~Kk.... Be there at about 4:45; Kai~ okay. Be there same time as Ruki. Took my mum to the mall so she could go clothing shopping."

Uruha read the text aloud and accidentally bursts into laughter at the last text. He quickly stopped laughing by covering his mouth. Aoi chucked.

"That is not... F-f-funny Uruha!! Hahaha!! That is sooo sweet of Kai." Aoi said trying to hold in laughter. They stopped laughing and Uruha replied into the group text.

"To: Group text; Kai, Reita, Ruki iMessage; 3:50pm: Okay see you guys then. And Kai, that is so sweet of you :)."

Uruha sat his phone down on the table and went in the kitchen. He looked through the cabinets and refrigerators. Luckily, they did not have to go shopping for any food. Uruha closed the cabinets and the refrigerator. He slowly walked in the living room and just stared/glanced at Aoi.

"What?" Aoi asked playfully. Uruha smiled at Aoi and continued staring. "How long are you gonna stare at me like that?" Aoi asked again. Uruha sat on Aoi's lap and kissed him.

"Imagine Ruki and Reita right now? What would they be doing during the sleep over?" Uruha asked Aoi.

"Well duh! They would be fucking each other right now. All you would here is 'ahhh harder aki harder please ahhh!!!' Hahahahaha!!!!!!!" Aoi replied to Uruha. Uruha laughed at Aoi.

"I love you. You're too funny!" Uruha said and smiled at Aoi.

"We better start decorating before the guys come in 30 minutes." Aoi suggested. Uruha nodded and hopped off of Aoi. They began decorating.

The GazettE ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora