Texting #6

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Title: Texting #6

Couple: Aoiha

Description: Uruha has a little problem with himself and wanted Aoi to fix it for him. K=Kouyou; Y=Yuu

Genre: Comedy (i think)

A/N: Random. And weird description. Lol!

Listening to-; Akai Koudou


Kouyou looked in the mirror after his warm night time shower. He noticed a spot on his face. He screamed.

"WHAT THE FUUUUUCCCKKK!!!! I CANNOT HAVE ACNE!!! NO NO NO!!" he quickly grabbed his iPhone and searched through his contacts for Yuu.

K: Yuu? Are you there? answer this message when you get a chance...

~10 minutes later~

Y: hey Kouyou. What's up?

K: Well umm.... I was looking through the mirror and uhh... saw something on my face.

Y: What was it?

K: It's embarrassing...

Y: Kouyou... Tell me what's wrong.

K: I'm too embarrassed.

Y: Kouyou...

K: Fine fine! Umm... I found a spot on my face.

Y: Kouyou, it's not that big of a deal. Takanori has a lot of spots... well... one pimple on his chin but he got rid of that, and those beauty marks on his face, neck, and hand. He hates them on his body.

K: But the thing is Taka actually looks good with his spots. Me.. I look different... weird different.

Y: Kouyou... you're fine.

K: No I'm not.. Yuu, you're the person I love and trust and I need your help.

Y: Proactive... or Xout. One of those May help. Wait.. only person you trust?

K: Do they even sell those in Japan?? And my bad... I trust Akira, Taka, and Yutaka... But you for right now...

Y: Order it from across seas. Duh! And that's harsh...

K: It's probably expensive. Sorry... :( not what I mean. Get back on topic now...

Y: It's not expensive. $19.99 in American dollars isn't gonna bite. That's about umm..... 2,040 Japanese Yen.

K: hmm... I'll think about it. Thanks love.

Y: You're welcome my cute ducky.

K: Hey do you mind coming over?

Y: Uhh. sure. Did you even ask if I were doing anything?

K: Are you?

Y: nope! I'm on my way.

K: bring something with you.

Y: What?

K: you know. >:)

Y: ooohhh... okay. I'll make sure I bring some. On my way. ^ ^


A/N: Finally updated a oneshot for this. Yay!!!! ^ ^

I'm going to Florida tomorrow and I'll still be updating. I can't wait to go! Going to Disney while I'm there also. Yayz!!

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