I'm Sick (Reituki)

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Title: I'm Sick

Pairing: Reituki

Description: This is linked to my chapter "I'm Sick" on Texting with Reituki. This is what happened after the texting.

Rated: NC-17

A/N: I think it was curls_xD_ who requested a little one shot. This is it, girlie. Hope u enjoy ^ ^


Reita had arrived to Ruki's house with medicines, tea, and soup. He turned the door knob ignoring the fact that the door was unlocked. He walked in, closing the white door behind him and made his way upstairs, also being followed by the small pup.

"Hey, I'm here." Reita said sweetly as he walked in the sweet aroma of vanilla which happened to be Ruki's bedroom, seeing the small fresh, but sick male laying on his bed with the covers over his entire body. Ruki's face was covered by the blankets as well, but his eyes weren't. "Why are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding. I'm cold." Ruki said and sighed. He was shivering a bit.

"Ahh well, I bought you some meds and some food if you're hungry. And I also bought you some mint tea bags. I'll make you tea, okay?" Reita smiled sweetly.

Ruki giggled and sat up a bit. Man, Reita was just the right guy for Ruki. Caring, loving, strong, and sexy. Ruki damn sure loved this man.

"Aww thank you, Akira. I appreciate it all." Ruki's lips pulled into a smile of appreciation.

"You're welcome. Lay back down. I'll be back with your tea." Reita said and gave Ruki a peck on the cheek after leaving the bedroom. Ruki sighed and obeyed his request and grabbed his remote to turn on the tv. He flipped through the channels and sighed deeply at the annoyance of not having anything on tv. This went on for about 10 minutes.

Reita had came back upstairs with a cup of tea on top of a small saucer and a pack of crackers. He sat the stuff down on the nightstand and sat on the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he placed a hand gently at Ruki's neck and forehead. "You're a bit warm."

"Yeah...all day today, I was feeling light headed and couldn't walk around that much. I was getting in the shower this morning and I fell. But I want able to get back up. I sound like an old person saying that." Ruki scratched the back of his head with a nervous giggle.

"Ooh are you hurt?" Reita asked a bit worried.

"No. No. I'm fine, hun." Ruki smiled sweetly, but his smile faded when he coughed. Reita sighed and pat the little one's back gently and made him lay on his back.

"Get some rest, baby. You don't wanna feel even worse." Reita smiled and gave Ruki a small peck on the lips. "I'll stay with you...okay?"

"Okay. Thanks Rei-chan." Ruki smiled.

"You're welcome. And remember, I'm still taking you out, but only if you feel better." Reita chuckled. Ruki smiled wider.

"I'm feeling much better when I'm just with you." Ruki said and sat up to give Reita a small kiss on the cheek, taking a sip of his tea, and laying back down.

"I love you." Reita whispered as he watched the little on sleep peacefully, wrapped up in warm, furry, black and white blankets.

"I love you more." Ruki whispered back in his sleep.

A/N: So sorry curls_xD_ this took too long. But hope u enjoyed.

Any typos???????

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