Daddy's Little Toy

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Title: Daddy's Little (Fuck)toy

Pairing: Reituki fuckers

Description: It's on the fucking title...It's very dirty. So I'm warning you. It's very sexual and...and.... Why'd I make this??? FOR THE SAKE OF YALL!! LOL I love y'all.


A/N: It's been so damn long that I've made a one-shot. I've been looking at a lot of daddy kinks and thought of reituki. No, this isn't incest because Ruki is Reita's boyfriend and they have this thing where Ruki is a "little" and reita is the daddy. Sex sex sex and more sex basically. Here's ya go. \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥ He's the porn guys. Enjoy the gay porn.


It was another day away from college. Ruki's spring break had started and he's been feeling kind of lonely since his boyfriend was out with friends. All he could think about was all the possible things he could do for when his daddy came home.

Yes, Reita is Ruki's daddy. Not biologically.

This was a thing they've been doing since they've first got intimate with each other. It started when Ruki lost his virginity one day to Reita and accidentally moaned, "Oh daddy! "

It was embarrassing, but Reita loved it. So, Reita came up with this brilliant idea (sarcasm) to say, "Ruki, for now on, you will be my little and I am your daddy." Here are the rules for being a little:

1. Always listen to daddy.

2. No one touches little or else daddy will be mad.

3. Little must wear cute sweaters and high socks.

4. Little is spoiled so you gotta give him what he wants.... Sometimes.

5. Little needs attention.

6. Don't ignore little.

7. Little must snuggle with daddy when watching movies.

8. Little cannot be disrespectful.

9. Little is fragile.

10. Little is a prized possession. Little must be treated well and fucked well. Or else little will ignore daddy.

As for a daddy, the rules are:

1. Always love your little.

2. Fuck your little until he can't take no more.

3. Treat your little like a baby and spoil him.

4. Punish your little if he does something bad.

5. Make your little feel good.

6. Play with your little.

And much more...

Ruki was a little indeed. Physically and mentally. His physical state was short in his height, shoulder length dirty blonde hair, features of a girl, and...just little. His baby face was loved by most men in the college but Reita has always been the one to step up and save his little. Mentally, Ruki was childish, whiny, and also shy. He has friends and he doesn't act as childish around them, but when he's with his boyfriend, he won't let go.

Later in the day, Ruki was at home, watching movies on television. His pale legs and thighs were exposed from wearing that cute long, white, knitted sweater that length to his mid thigh, and also his white, kitten thigh highs. They weren't as high, but they went past above the knee. His hair was in a ponytail with some strands hanging outside of the ponytale and underneath his shirt was a cute little pair of silk pink panties with a little bow on the rim. He was one helluva little.

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