Dinner Party

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Title: Dinner Party

Couple: Reituki & Aoiha

Description: Aoi decided to have a dinner part with Reita, Uruha, Ruki, and Kai. However, Kai didn't show up because was sick and needed rest.

Rated: umm.... not sure... (Maybe some use of real names)

A/N: Am I getting out of hand with the oneshots because I'm writing a chapter like every 5 seconds. My plans were to write 1 oneshot daily. But I keep getting ideas and writing them 8 million times a day (not really 8 million times a day) Lol!!!!!

Listening to: Devouring One Another- The GazettE (Why couldn't they name it Cannibalism, but I see why they didn't)


Aoi had awaken by the sound of his alarm on his black iPhone 5s. He picked up his phone and pressed snooze. He closed his eyes again and realized he cannot sleep so, he picked up his phone again and unlocked it to turn off the alarm.

"Ugh! Whyyyyy...." Aoi complained. He looked at the digital clock that can tell the time and day by light up words.

"Wait... it's SATURDAY!!!! I did plan something today. A dinner party!!!!" Aoi said. He quickly got up from his bed and made his bed. He went to the bathroom to get in the shower and brush his teeth. After that, he changed into a black short sleeved shirt that says 'Black Moral' and a pair of denim male skinny jeans.

He went back to the bathroom and straightened his medium length black raven hair. He made a bang and put it over his eye. He smiled and applied a little bit of eyeliner and Chapstick.

"Sore ja!!!! Now let me go to the super market to get some things."

Aoi put on his sneakers and grabbed his iPhone, car and house keys, his sweater, and his wallet. He walked out his luxury apartment and realized he left his cigarettes.

"Shit... Ooyoku*..." Aoi shrugged his shoulders. (*ooyoku- oh well...)

He left the apartment building and went to his car in the garage. He went in the car and started the ignition.


Aoi arrived at the grocery store. Before he entered he put on a mask so he could hide his identity. He walked in and went looking for the things he needed. He carried a shopping list by the way.

"Okay... Since it's only 5 of us, I'm still gonna need lots of stuff. I need 3 different bags of chips; barbecue, original, and pretzels..." He went in the snack isle and grabbed the chips he needed.

"Next, I will need yan yan, hello panda, and pocky. Along with Chips Ahoy cookies and lots of candy." He went in the candy isle and grabbed a big bag of skittles, starburst, Reese's, and Hershey kisses. He also grabbed the hello panda, yan yan, and pocky (5 of each.)

"Okay okay.... now I need food... Well... I'll just order 6 boxes of large pizza and have some chicken and salad. And sushi." Aoi continued. He went to the cashier and put the basket of snacks on the counter.

"OH! Cups, plates, forks, and napkins. Be right back!" Aoi left the counter to go get the cups, plates, forks, and napkins. He went back to the counter and put it in the basket. The cashier lady scanned everything and came up with the price on the computer screen.

"3,965.91¥." The cashier lady said. Aoi gave her the amount of money. She put it in the cash register and gave him his change.

"Arigatou gozaimasu." Aoi said and walked away with the bags. He went back in his car and called Ruki, Kai, Uruha, and Reita on group call.

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