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I really thought I would have given birth alone. Yet here I am with Dwight by my side.
Now, I definitely did not want this but he had been calling me non stop for the last week. I didn't know why. To begin with I ignored him.
But by the third day I thought maybe it was important.
He just kept saying he needs to see me. I informed him that I'm due to give birth any minute now so he is going to have to wait as I do not need him stressing me.
The day I went into hospital he called me and I hurled abuse at him. I was in pain and just the sight of his name on my phone enraged me. Going through this again, on my own. I let rip. Before you know it he has made his way to the hospital and was by my side as I gave birth.
I had many questions but at that time all I could do was focus on the arrival of our son. Finally, he arrived. For the fourth and final time I had given birth to a beautiful baby. Matthew. That's what I wanted to call him, when I saw him I just knew it was a perfect name.

It had been two days and Dwight had not left out side.

This is way too weird for me. Why is he here? Does he not have a baby? Why is his wife not looking for him?

I was ready to say something to him but the nurses let me know that as long as we both relieved our bowels we could go home; to which we had already done earlier that day. Hours went by but eventually we got discharged. As I was packing up the last little bits Dwight pops up.

"Hey, I thought you might need or want a lift home."

I stopped packing and looked at him.

"Dwight... why are you here?"

"What do you mean? Is this not my son too?"

"Yes. But this was a one night stand, or whatever you want to call it. As you told me, you're married with a kid on the way. You made it very known you did not want another child with me. Yet you've been calling me non stop the last couple weeks, not to mention you been here literally everyday since the day I told you I was in hospital. So let's address the elephant in the room..."

"...didn't know there was one."

"Cut the bullshit Dwight. Why are you here?"

Dwight sighed.

"Vanessa had a stillborn..." he paused. I could see that hurt him to say.

"Oh wow. Really didn't expect that. I'm sorry for your loss. I guess I can understand why you're here... but you do know that Matthew is not the baby you had with Vanessa. He wont replace the baby you guys lost..."

"I know... I just had to see Matthew. I had to see if I would feel anything..."

"Sorry?" I said not quite understanding.

Dwight sighed.

"You want to know why I'm here? Well... I hadn't told Vanessa about sleeping with you. I lied when I said she knew. She didn't. Before she had the stillborn we wasn't in a good space. This was why the wedding got postponed. We tried to work things out. She wanted complete honesty. I told her everything. Sleeping with you and others. I also told her that you was pregnant. That broke her. She says that's why what happened happened. Once we buried him she told me she can't do this with me anymore. Said she can't be with me and see my kids come and visit, as well as the new addition and feel like yes she can be a step mum to them. Knowing the one thing she wanted and yearned for she had for all of two minutes before it was taken from her. That's when she told me... she told me..." Dwight went silent.

He got up and paced up and down like he had the whole world on his shoulders.

"Go on..." I said somewhat caring and supportive. Truth be told I just wanted to know what she said!

"She told me I had to pick. The kids... or her..."

I sniggered.

He's got to be kidding me.

"So this is why you're here? Because you picked your kids?"

"Well no... I erm... I haven't picked yet. This was why I came here..."

"Dwight. Stop. Just stop. You have really said some things to me in all these years but this really is by far the worst! What the FUCK..." I remembered where I was and took it down a notch. "...what the hell do you mean you haven't picked yet??? Let me tell you something you little bastard. Your kids? They come first. They are priority. I am truly truly sorry for you guys loss. But putting Matthew aside surely you can see she never actually accepted the kids! She can't all of a sudden say she can't be around your kids. You lot have been together for years now! She should see them as her own! If she don't... she NEVER will. Now let's bring Matthew back in the picture.. she will resent him! For a long long time if not forever! You think ima allow her to be around him? I've watched enough tv shows to know how that goes! But that's not even an option though is it? She's said your kids or her. You said you was here to see if you felt anything... well?"

"Well.. in all honesty; it wasn't like when we was together and you had the other three..."

"...because we was together! Matthew was a mistake! Shouldn't have happened but someone didn't know how to stay the fuck away! So now he's here.. and just like the others I absolutely love him! If you cannot say the same, if you do not feel the same then pick her! My kids will never be second best. You can deal with me however you like but you either be a dad to them all or you fuck off completely!"

I was so angry. Imagine this man here coming to tell me he has an ultimatum as if I'm meant to just say well you know D maybe you should support your fiancé in those hard times.

"This was why I came... I knew I had a decision to make... to which, I have." He said as he got up came over to me and kissed my forehead. He then headed for the door.

Wow.. he chose her... he chose her over his kids?

Or so I thought.

Dwight stopped. Turned around. Picked up the car seat and goes "Well... we going home or what?"


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