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"colby," i heard my mom's voice from the other side of my bedroom door, followed by a knock, waking me up. sam was laying beside me with a soft sleepy smile, tiny snores escaping him. i chuckled softly and scooted out of bed, unlocking my door and opening it slightly.
"you just woke me up," i chuckled, smiling at my mom and wiping my eyes.
"sorry. i just wanted to ask why he was kicked out, you just went straight upstairs last night and i had so many unanswered questions," she smiled with a soft laugh. i started to panic. if i told her he was gay she would kick him out, and maybe me too.
"uh.. i don't know. i'll ask him when he wakes up," i shrugged, lying straight out of my ass.
"ok, well, let me know. sorry for waking you, by the way," she smiled, walking away. i closed the door and locked it, turning around to see sam up and yawning.
"buongiorno, il mio amore," i chuckled, sliding back into bed next to him.
"buongiorno," he grinned, kissing me softly.
"so.. my mom just came up and asked why you were kicked out. i told her i didn't know and that i'd ask you when i woke up because i don't want you to have nowhere to stay, so we need to figure out what we're doing," i said softly, rubbing his arm comfortingly.
"i'm sick of being somewhere where i'm not wanted," he sighed angrily, "should i just tell her the truth?" he asked, looking up at me sadly.
"do whatever you're comfortable doing, but whatever happens i'm with you every step of the way. just.. be aware that she might kick you out," i kissed his forehead, him nodding.
"would you still be with me if i was kicked out?" he said after a few moments of silence.
"of course i would, i'd leave with you. i would never let you go alone," i explained without hesitation, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer.
"i love you," he said softly, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.
"i love you more," i smiled into the kiss, his small frame in my arms.


"you're.. gay? you're lying. you have to be," my mom scoffed, looking at me for confirmation on what sam had just told her.
"what's so wrong with being gay?" i asked, rolling my eyes with a sigh. what she couldn't see, was my hand rubbing the bottom of sam's back for comfort, and the tears he was blinking away.
"i'm sorry, but you.. you cant stay here anymore," she said as if we were supposed to know.
"i'm going with him," i announced, my mom shaking her head.
"no, you're not, colby, you're not gay," my mom laughed, acting as if i were joking.
"yes, i am. it's better now you know, and i can - we can - get out of your hair. just let me get my things," i sighed, taking sam's hand and leading him upstairs. my mom was left speechless, and sam was looking shaken.
"come here," i said once we were in my room, the door locked. i opened my arms and sam ran into them, hugging me tightly. i held him tightly for a few moments, kissing his forehead.
"c'mon, i need to get my things and then we can go. we'll go to a friends or something, we'll figure it out, ok? it'll all be ok, i promise," i lifted his chin up for him to look at me and i wiped the tears away from his face.
"i love you," i said softly, kissing his forehead. he nodded with a soft sniffle.
"i love you too," he smiled, wiping his eyes himself and letting me collect my things.


i said a while ago that i couldn't wait for school to be closed bc of covid-19 but now all i wanna do is be back at school

i think i love you / solbyWhere stories live. Discover now