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"colby, i have to go home today," sam frowned, my hoodie still over his body.
"i know, i know," i sighed, resting my chin on my hand and looking at him across the room. he was sat on my windowsill, before sliding off it and walking towards me.
"i'm gonna miss you. it's not the same when we call. i don't get to feel your arms around me, or hear your breathing or heartbeat, or smell you," he frowned, laying next to me on my bed.
"we can meet up tomorrow if you want, bambina, and i need to take you home soon. before your parents get worried," i sighed, kissing his forehead as he wrapped his arms around me.
"i know, just five more minutes," he whined, frowning.
"ok," i chuckled, wrapping my arms around him.
"i don't wanna leave. i hate leaving you, it feels like i'm being ripped in half," he sighed, kissing the bottom of my jaw softly.
"i know, i know. at least we'll see eachother tomorrow. think positively, il mio amore," i chuckled. i pressed my lips against his and he smiled, stopping me from going in for another. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"stop before i get more attached," he smiled, rolling his eyes.
"you ready to go?" i asked with a sigh and a sad smile.
"not really, but i'll never be ready if i don't go now," he mumbled, sighing and sitting up.
"c'mon then, bellissima," i frowned, standing up with a stretch. i noticed that he looked really miserable, and it made me sad.
"cheer up, babe. we're gonna see eachother tomorrow, it'll all be fine, ok? hold on, let me.." i mumbled, trailing off as i went into my closet. i grabbed another hoodie and a spare can of my deodorant, quickly jogging downstairs.
"colby?" sam yelled after me. i grabbed some candy and ran back upstairs, sam looking really confused.
"here," i grinned, passing everything to him. he dropped it on the bed and threw his arms around me with such force it almost knocked me backwards.
"thank you," he said softly, hugging me tightly.
"you're welcome," i sighed with a smile, hugging him back just as tightly.
"come on, before i really won't leave," he pulled away from the embrace with a soft smile and watery eyes.
"aw baby," i said with a smile, wiping his eyes.
"stop," he giggled, kissing me softly.
"sorry. come on, your parents are probably worried," i sighed, helping him gather his things.


"i miss you already," sam whined over the phone, his beautiful face pixelated over facetime. both of us had only just got home, and i missed him dearly.
"i miss you too. i can't wait to see you tomorrow," i sighed, slipping my shoes off and launching myself onto my bed.
"me too. when i came in my dad yelled at me for being home late. i hate it when he yells. and he didn't even give me a time to get home! it's not even that late, only seven. anyway, my mom just told me to ignore him but it's hard to when he's constantly on your back. he never gives me a break, for scopa sake. he wants me to be the perfect man and have sex with all of these women and have a girlfriend and get married and have children when i'm gay. if he found out he'd cazzo murder me! i want to spend the rest of my life with you, not some woman. i want you, and only you," he sighed with a frown.
"i don't even know what to say. i just wanna hug you. it's all gonna be ok, i promise, we'll work it all out. we'll get married, and have kids, and our own house and garden and it'll be amazing. we'll show your dad that we can have the same life as a straight couple, i promise you that all i'll ever do in life is try to make you happy," i smiled over the phone, him smiling softly.
"i can't wait," he grinned, yawning.
"go to sleep, you need it," i said softly, watching him fight to keep his eyes open. he nodded and closed his eyes, pulling the covers up to his face, then pulling one of my hoodies up to his face.
"you're adorabile," i said softly, smiling.


sorry i haven't uploaded in so long ajdhshsjfjf

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