🌸 5 🌸

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(a few weeks later)

"sam," i started, catching up to the boy who had run ahead, both of us panting from the exercise.
"hmm?" he hummed, looking up at me.
"let's go lay in the flowers," i smiled, sam nodding with a smile back. i took his soft, porcelain hand and lead him to the field, full of flowers that smelled amazing and the bright colours filled our senses. this is where we had our first kiss, a few months ago. we had strict catholic parents, me only having a mom, making us two go to church every sunday along with the usual 'being gay is a sin'. our parents just assumed we were just really good friends, which we were, but we were lovers too. i laid down in the soft grass, flowers surrounding me. the most beautiful thing in the field, to me, was sam. we adored eachother undeniably.
"bambina, i need to tell you something," i smiled softly, sam laying down beside me.
"go ahead, tesoro," sam smiled himself, resting his head against my warm chest.
"i.. i think i love you," i mumbled, unable to hold it in any longer, sam just smiling.
"i think i love you too," the blonde smiled, giggling against my chest.
"can i have a kiss?" i asked with a chuckle, sam leaning up and planting a kiss to my lips.


"colby, where are you?" sam could hear my mother yelling down the phone from a few feet away.
"i'm on the way home now, i'm just making sure sam gets home safely," i explained, putting the phone a little further away from my ear, earning a giggle from the blonde.
"ok, well be home quickly, your dinner's ready," sam could still hear her, though she wasn't yelling.
"ok, will be," i mumbled, hanging up.
"give me a kiss before we turn the corner. i don't wanna go yet," sam whined, making me chuckle.
"you're so cute," i grinned, stopping and pressing my lips against sam's.
"i hate it at home," sam frowned, looking down at his feet.
"hey, it's ok. i'll see you tomorrow, it's not the end of the world," i chuckled, placing a kiss to his forehead.
"i know, i know. c'mon, before i get yelled at for being home too late," he sighed, continuing to walk and turning the corner.
"i love you," i mumbled, looking over at the blonde.
"i love you too," he grinned, waving me goodbye and walking into his house.


i was fast asleep, when my phone started ringing beside me.
"why is anyone ringing me for fucks sake?" i groaned, picking up my phone. my frown immediately turned to a confused look when i saw that it was sam.
"hello?" i yawned, hearing a sniffle.
"my parents just kicked me out, colby i don't know what to do," the blonde let out small sobs, breaking my heart.
"holy shit, are you ok? did they hurt you? do you have anywhere to go? why did they kick you out?" i asked, thoroughly shocked and confused.
"i'm ok, they didn't hurt me, and right now i'm literally sat around the corner from mine because i haven't got anywhere to go. they kicked me out because they found out i'm gay. i don't know how, or why it's such a big deal to them, but they literally fucking kicked me out," he sobbed gently.
"oh my god, i'm coming to get you il mio amore, i don't give a shit what my mom says, i'm not having you sleep on the streets," i jumped out of bed, pulling a pair of joggers and a shirt onto my body.
"colby, why are you awake? it's midnight," my mom asked from across the hall.
"sam's been kicked out, i need to go and get him, he has nowhere to go," i explained briefly, sliding my shoes on and grabbing a coat.
"do you have a jacket?" i asked into the phone, hesitating to pick up a hoodie for him to wear.
"no, i don't have anything," the blonde sniffled, and i picked up the hoodie.
"ok, i'm on my way," i was shocked by how cold it was outside, and how sam was only in a shirt.
"thank you. you don't have to do this, you know," sam mumbled.
"yes i do. you're my boyfriend, and i love you, and i would quite literally do anything for you. and that means walking out in the freezing cold at midnight to let you stay at mine," i chuckled.
"i love you. i'm walking to yours, where are you?" he asked.
"i'm just coming up to yours now," i explained.


"here," i passed sam my hoodie, making his face light up with joy.
"thank you," sam threw his arms around me, going on his tiptoes to maintain the stance for a few moments.
"it's what i'm here for. c'mon, it's cold babe," i thought sam was the cutest thing ever. he was so sweet, and caring and loving. he didn't deserve to be kicked out, gay or not.


"colby, you are not serious! you just walked out without telling anyone?" my mom gasped as us two walked in the door.
"i did tell you. we're going up to go to sleep, goodnight," i yawned, my mom nodding with a sigh. sam followed closely behind me, grabbing onto the back of my shirt gently. i locked my bedroom door behind us and sighed, slipping my shoes off and pulling my shirt over my head. sam slipped his shoes off and i saw tears well in his eyes.
"baby, what's wrong?" i asked quietly, tilting sam's head up with a finger to look at him.
"nothing, just overthinking," he shook his head and wiped his eyes, looking away from me.
"i've got you some joggers. it's gonna be ok, you know. i'll make sure of it. i love you," i pulled the smaller into a hug, resting my chin on the top of his head.
"i love you too," sam sighed, wrapping his arms around me. after we'd said those words once, we hadn't stopped.
"c'mon, let's cuddle and go to sleep," i smiled, kissing his forehead. sam nodded with a giggle, me handing him a pair of joggers.


this is the oneshot but slightly altered?? idk shit should get interesting from here

i think i love you / solbyWhere stories live. Discover now