Chapter 1: The Tour Guide From Hell

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AUTHORS NOTE: I didn't make the original art I just photoshopped it and made it into what I had envisioned Percy to look like in this story and I didn't write the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book franchise all rights reserved to Rick Riordan 

Percy Jackson laid on the bus seat that was on its way to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at ancient Greek art and Myths. To Percy who was stuck on a bus filled with twenty-eight mental case kids and two teachers, it was torture.

Percy was lying on the bus seat legs out in the isle, not that he was worried about hitting anyone. The  seat in front of him was empty and so was the one behind him and the seats next to him. Kids crammed themselves up front and down back, trying to get away from him. The teachers sat with them, Mr. Burner the coolest history teacher ever that smelled like coffee was up front with Percy's roommate Grover.

You see Mr Bruner was paralyzed from the waist down. But even that  did not stop him from being the coolest teacher ever! He would show up to class with a sword and challenging them at sword point to write down every Greek mythology fact that they could think of, what god they worshiped and who was the mother of so and so. He was also Percy's favorite teacher because he did not fear him; see Percy is what most people would call an outsider.

It wasn't Percy's fault it was just the vibe he gave off people were put off by him. He didn't have any friends the closest thing he had was his roommate and even then he didn't interact much with him except for the polite hellos and goodbyes that people would say to an outsider.

Percys roommate was called Grover; was a skinny kid and the only one in sixth grade that had acne and the start of a wispy beard. He also had some sort of disability that excused him form PE for the rest of his life, but that did not stop him from running for the cafeteria on enchilada day. Percy tried to be friends, but they just did not seem to click. Grover seemed to find Percy creepy, once he even jokingly said that he had an aura of death around him. However, that did not stop Grover from following him at a respectable distance, Grover would deny it but Percy just had a feeling. Grover seemed to watch Percy and it was starting to creep Percy out.

'I have no friends, why would anyone want to stalk a kid like me?' Percy thought as he sat up, as the bus was coming to a screeching halt. Kids and teachers filed out, Percy being the last one off the bus and once again, there seemed to be an invisible barrier that stopped people from getting to close to him. As soon as he walked near the group they would disperse and form around him.

Percy silently followed the group as they shuffled into the museum. Lead by a lady who would be their tour guide she kept giving Percy a weird look. As they were walking through the museum Percy looked at all the ancient artifacts from Greek and Roman times. One thing that stood out to him was a Jet Black ring. Percy felt the urge to take it but resisted seeing as everyone was around and he didn't feel like being arrested today.  

The tour went on as normal with Mr Bruner talking about the origin story for the gods, Percy was trying to pay attention but it was hard to while being at the back of the group and having everyone talking over Mr Bruner. He herd bits and pieces of it like how Kronos ate his kids because of a prophecy, he didn't hear the middle bit but he heard the end in which the gods fought back and won. Percy decided to break away from the group and look at the cool ring again. He gave the excuse that he was going to the bathroom to the tour guide lady and she told him where it was and even offered to take him there. 'At least some people are nice to me.' Percy though while respectfully declining the offer.

Percy eventually made it back the ring and felt an urge to take that ring and try it on. As Percy was reaching for the ring he heard footsteps and making a split second decision he grabbed the ring and put it on his middle finger and began walking away from the display as to not seem suspicious . After a few moments he realised that it was his tour guide. 'She is probably here to direct me back to my group' Percy thought while smiling at the assumed kind gesture.

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