Chapter 16

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​"We are nearing Utapau. We will be there in less than 15." Jesse says.

​"15 what? Seconds? Months? Years?" Marty asks.

​​Jesse glares back at his brother.

​"Don't make me come back there!" Jesse yells.

​"What? I was asking for important clarification." Marty says.

​"No, you were asking a stupid ass question!" Jesse snaps

​"I wouldn't have to ask if you were specific the first time you opened your big mouth!" Marty yells back.

​"That's it!" Jesse yells and stands up from his seat, lunging at his brother.

​"Hey hey hey! Woah! That is enough, you two!" Troy yells as he quickly breaks the two up.

​"Jesse, get back to flying. Marty...go do...literally anything other than annoy your brother and squad mates." Troy orders.

​"Yes sir." Jesse nods.

​"But sir, I was just-" Marty starts.

​"I don't give a Mynock's ass what the hell you were 'just' doing. You're not doing it anymore, that's for damn sure!" Troy yells.


​"No buts! Get out of my sight before I make you clean the outside of the ship." Troy snaps.

​"Yes sir..." Marty says sadly before he walks out of the cockpit.

​"I swear, like watching a bunch of kids." Troy sighs before he takes a seat behind the pilots.

​"Sir, we were attempting to contact the base but we haven't been able to raise them on the comms." Abo tells Troy.

​"Have you tried again?" Troy asks.

​"Yes. Five times now." Abo looks at him.

​"Are you sure you have the right frequency?" Troy asks.

​"Positive. We think it could be something at the base." Abo says.

​"Like what?" Troy asks.

​"I think it's a communications jammer, sir." Jesse says.

​"I think it might just be a bad storm on the planet causing interference." The Geonosian tells Troy.

​"Either way, this isn't good." Troy tells them, standing up.

​"We'll be there soon though so we can figure out what's going on."

​"Hopefully." Jesse says.

​"Keep me updated." Troy says.

​"Roger." Abo nods.

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