Chapter 15

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Cadinone and Randmu were walking into the medical center and they walk over toward the counter. They peer over behind to see the Pau'an Randmu had shot in self-defense. This time however, the Pau'an was dead and covered in his own blood.

​"What the hell did you do? I thought you shot him!" Cadinone yells at Randmu as they rush around the counter and kneel beside the body.

​"I did! This wasn't me." Randmu says as they closely look at where most the blood was.

​​It covered his chest. It clearly came from his neck. They could tell that much. Randmu grabs the Pau'an by his chin and lifts it up, revealing a large cut across his throat.

​"Brutal." Cadinone says.

​"This wasn't me. I think I know who it was though." Randmu says.

​"There's only one way to be sure." Cadinone tells him.

​​Randmu nods and quickly stands up. He grabs the datapad that was laying on top of the desk and scrolls through it. He finds the access logs for the medical supply storage room.

​​Cpt. Brains, clearance code 8872

​"It's him." Randmu says.

​"I was here just a little while ago. This was recent." Randmu says.

​"He could still be here." Cadinone says.

​"There's only one way to find out."

​​Cadinone nods to Randmu's idea and they slowly remove their pistols that were holstered from their sides and slowly make their way through the medical center. They ease their way down the hall toward the storage room, blasters raised.

​"I'll take point." Randmu says and moves in front of Cadinone as they turn down a narrow hallway.

​​The lights flickered, bringing an eerie feeling creeping up on the two officers.

​"We aren't alone." Cadinone says.

​"I know." Randmu nods.

​"Where's the medical staff?" Cadinone asks.

​"Well, there aren't any bodies, so that makes me hopeful."

​"Roger that."

​​Randmu holds his fist in the air and Cadinone stops behind him.

​"You hear that?" The Iktotchi asks.

​"Yeah. Voices." Cadinone responds.

​"I count at least three...maybe four...not Brains though..."

​"How do you want to handle this?"

​"Follow my lead." Randmu orders the Kel Dor.

​​Cadinone nods. Randmu takes a deep breath before he quickly turns the corner and Cadinone quickly follows him. They aim their blasters ahead at four hooded men rummaging around the storage room and grabbing crates.

​"Don't move!" Randmu barks.

​​The four hooded men stop moving and Randmu assumed they were staring at him. There was three average sized men and one was short, much like an Utai. They stared ahead at the officers who were aiming their blasters at them.

​"Drop it." Cadinone barks aggressively at a hooded man holding a crate.

​​The man drops the crate and continues to stare ahead at them.

​"Hands above your head!" Randmu shouts.

​​The men didn't move or show any sign of moving.

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