​"This is your last chance. Hands. Up." Randmu warns.

​​The men didn't move. Randmu flips the safety off his blaster and starts wrapping his finger around the trigger. He starts squeezing and the short hooded figure throws a small crate into his abdomen as he fires, the shot going off to the side and hitting the wall as Randmu stumbles back. Cadinone looks over toward the Iktotchi as the four hooded men raise their blasters and start firing at the two. Cadinone grab's Randmu's arm as he fires a few shots back at them and he pulls him back around the corner.

​"This didn't go as planned!" Randmu yells.

​"I think we ruined their plans so far!" Cadinone yells through the heavy blaster fire tearing up the walls.

​​They could hear the men screaming in Utapese through the blaster fire. Randmu quickly turns the corner for a moment and fires three shots and watches one of the taller men collapse on the ground before he returns himself to cover.

​"Got one!"

​"I have a bad feeling about this..." Cadinone says.

​"You see those large crates, right there?" Randmu nods toward a crate outside the storage room.

​​Cadinone nods.

​"Cover me."

​"I've gotcha." Cadinone says and nods.

​​Randmu runs out and Cadinone turns the corner and fires back at the remaining three men as they focus their attention on Randmu as he was running across the room. Cadinone shoots down another man as Randmu slides into cover behind the crate and quickly pops up and blasts a hole in the small man's chest. The last hooded man was hiding in the storage room and was frantically looking around. He looks down at his belt and grabs an explosive. He pokes his head around the crates in front of him and he fires at Randmu who was starting to walk toward him. The officer ducks down and fires back, tucking the hooded man into his cover.

​"It's over! Surrender!" Cadinone commands.

​​The two officers step over the other cloaked bodies as they were walking into the room with the man. He drops his blaster and raises his hands.

​"*I surrender!*" He screams in Utapese.

​"On your knees and keep your hands above your head!" Randmu snaps.

​​The man gets on his knees and raises his hands.

​"Stay here." Randmu orders him as Cadinone aims his blaster at his head.

​​The man started chuckling.

​"What's so funny?" Cadinone asks.

​​He started laughing even more.

​"Hey, dip, what the hell is so funny?" Cadinone asks.

​​The man opens his left hand and lets the thermal detonator fall to the ground, stopping at Cadinone's feet.

​"Run!" Randmu yells and starts out of the room.

​​Cadinone was following him but they didn't make it out before the explosion went off. It obliterated the room, incinerating the bodies of the dead men and the medical supplies alike. The explosion blasted Randmu and Cadinone through the room and slammed them against the wall. Their backs were covered in horrible burns as they lay there, still. The sprinkler system in the medical center took over to try to put out the fire, raining down on the bodies of the alien officers.

​"Sir, there's been an explosion." A hooded man tells another.

​"Where?" The second asks.

​"The medical center." The first says.

​​The second man removes his hood, revealing a Siniteen, Brains.

​"What happened?" Brains demands.

​"We don't know. We were taking the already stolen supplies to the ships in the caves below." The hooded figure tells Brains.

​"Incompetent!" Brains screams and unsheathes a dagger before he turns around and thrusts it upwards into the abdomen of the hooded man.

​​The man gasps as he reaches out, gripping Brains's shoulder as he twisted the blade around before ripping it out. The man collapses onto the ground, allowing his hood to fall off, revealing the face of a scarred Pau'an.

​"We're picking up the signal of The Mako nearing the planet sir." Another Pau'an informs Brains.

​"When it gets here, launch the fighters." Brains orders.

​"As you wish." The Pau'an nods before walking off.

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