Chapter 58- Yet Another Promise

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Joy and laughter filled the air as the blissful couple walked out of the church together and into the bright summer light. After the fairly short ceremony was complete, the other guests slowly started to follow behind them. They were all walking back to the Pettigrew's manor for the celebration of the happy newlyweds. The ballroom was eagerly waiting to be filled with people to gape at its beautiful new decorations. Of course, it hardly needed any decorating at all. It was grand enough to stand on its own. All it needed was a bit of liquor and a classical quartet of music and it was pretty much set for the night ahead.

"You should go and change." Tom added, the second they entered the house again. Frankie was still wearing her shimmering emerald bridesmaids dress and her loose wavy hair was tied up into a neat bun that was probably so tight she'd been experiencing head pain for the past few hours. The combined effect made her blend in far too much with the rest of the crowd. She almost looked like Mrs. Pettigrew. Her hair was meant to cascade down her shoulders and she always wore clothes that amplified her warm radiance. It was the kind of thing only he would notice about her appearance. "I've never really liked that color on you."

"Well, unless you take it off me, I think I'll keep wearing it." Frankie answered back, as they continued to follow the flow of people into the ballroom. A part of Tom was immediately sent into a fluster at the insinuation. However, another more devilish part wanted to take her up on the offer. Forget the party and continue their conversation from the night before, even though they were not married and very ill experienced. She paused for a moment and took out the various pins keeping her hair in place. It wasn't because of Tom and his vain opinions on her appearance. Lyra had done her hair, and it was definitely cutting off some form of circulation. He fussed even more after her and tried to help get the job done faster, but he only managed to make her more frustrated. "—It's fine, Tom. Surely, you can bear it a few hours more."

"You'll be on the train tomorrow though, and I'll probably be moving what little I own into the flat above Borgin and Burkes. I gather that I won't be seeing you for a very long time. Can't you just humor me a little?" he argued, acting as though this was their last time seeing each other ever. Frankie didn't find this funny. Tom frowned. "Should we talk about it now?"

"Later." she replied, simply. Tom nodded in agreement. But as time grew shorter, they would soon have to face the inevitable separation that once again threatened them. "If you're still planning to undress me, I think you might think twice about leaving me for Borgin and Burkes."

"You forget we technically grew up together. It's nothing I haven't seen—"


Thankfully, it wasn't someone popping up behind them, yet again to eavesdrop on their scandalous conversation. A voice had called out from across the room. Well, it sure sounded like it said 'Frankie'. It was so loud with conversation for all they knew the person could have said something like 'pumpkin squash'. But Rodger Day was pushing his way through the thinning crowd with Hagrid and Dumbledore following behind him. So, it must have been 'Frankie' after all.

"—Oh, Rodger. We're over here." Frankie shouted, turning to answer the call immediately. Tom sighed, as once again their precious alone time had been taken from them. They could've always have pretended not to hear them and casually be swept away by the crowd. Sadly, Frankie was too sweet to do something like that, especially to her friends. So, there was nothing more to do but stand there like statues as they approached.

"Well, if it isn't the infamous Tom Riddle." Rodger grinned, as he switched his attention from Frankie to Tom. Everyone else had gotten a bit stuck in the crowd on the way, but he had pushed through. They shook hands in equally firm grips. Tom had to try hard, considering Rodger Day still had his Quidditch player physique intact and could've easily shattered his boney hands. Even though it seemed like such a small insignificant detail, he couldn't help but feel a little inferior to Rodger. Apparently, Dippet thought him skilled enough to take the Defense Against the Dark Arts position and he would be back in the halls with Frankie at his side. It was Tom's ideal future that he'd just snatched without even trying.

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