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The gallery were crowded with a sea of people making a certain cat eyed woman dressed in white feeling gratified and proud of herself. She wandered along the pathway walking past a few upperclass men and women who were talking to each other about her marvellous creations that were displayed on the white walls for the public to admire.

Yeji stood in front of one of her artworks that was isolated in a room special for itself. To the world, they may have different personal likings and view of her creation but to herself, this is the best she had ever did. Gently touching the dirty canvas of angry and sad strokes that illustrated a portrait of a melancholic girl, Yeji take a trip down her memory lane.

She remembered the argument she had with the girl she loved most 7 years ago when they were in their salad days.

She remembered the harsh words spat on her face and how enraged she was at her that time that left Yeji speechless.

She remembered the despairing look she had on her face when she walked out of the door leaving Yeji mourning for the girl to come back to her and that she was sorry for being self centered and ignorant.

She remembered her happy place by the rivers where she went to look for the girl that she needed most only to witness a heartbreaking event of a certain pink haired girl wailing like there's no tomorrow and pounded on her chest saying that she was never good enough for her and she never will be.

She remembered Shin Ryujin, the most affectionate, caring and devoted girl she once worshipped before.

Nonetheless, that was all in the past and things have clearly changed for the both of them and now they despise each other presence.

The memory of Ryujin wiggling her butt annoyingly at her last night came into mind making Yeji subconciously clenching her fist and start brainstorming ways to get back at her for pestering her peace last night.

A sweet voice called out for her taking her back to the real world. "Do you mind if I ask you what's the story behind this artwork, miss?" asked a sweet innocent young woman in a pastry chef suit whom Yeji believed was also in her early 20's.

"There's no specific story behind this one. Just a girl in pink crying by the rivers."

"I see. Hmm, I don't mean to be so forward but may I have your autograph? I'm a fan of your art for some time now. Oh! My name is Yuna by the way."

Yeji chuckled lightly and dribbled on the Yuna's notebook, not forgetting to write some inspiring message too. Yuna was indeed blessed and left for work with a wide smile on her face. She didn't care if her boss is going to make her scrub the toilet for being late again as long as she got to meet the great Hwang Yeji herself.

Gleefully strolling on the concrete passage to Shin's Bakery with her idol's small gift for her earlier, Yuna finally reached her destination and raised her chef hat to her colleagues with frisky manner that made them pondered what in the world is wrong with this giant baby. Chaeryeong exchanged glances with Lia and Ryujin before trying to pry on the youngest business.

"You seemed in a good mood today, Shu Shin. What's up?"

Yuna squealed with delight and jumped on her spot few times then stopped hastily to catch a breath. She shoved the autograph she got from her idol earlier in their faces and bragged about her moments of being so close with her. Ryujin shook her head and ordered all of them to get back to work and as for Yuna, she made the girl scrub the toilet again for being late as a punishment.

Taking a bite of her signature mocha bread, Ryujin sat on an empty chair engulfing herself with the anticipation of her prey of annoyance. She cast her mind back to the exasperated look Yeji had last night when she was fumed in anger because her sleep was disturbed by her booming music that made herself snorted in small laughs and choked on her food. Ryujin coughed badly and gasped for air, she was lucky that Lia noticed her suffering and saved her from dying.

"You okay, boss?"

She nodded and shooed the latter back to work. After few moments of bracing herself back to normal, Ryujin dissolve into laughter again at the thought of annoying Yeji and made the girl go berserk and eventually got tired of her and move out of the neighbourhood.

"I'm so gonna have fun doing it everyday."

my annoying neighbour || ryejiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora