Chapter 16

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When I woke up I suddenly was in bed.

But in front of me was someone else.

I lifted my head to look and it was Zaiden.

'What happened last night? Didn't I close my eyes for just a little bit? How did I end up in his room?'

I was so close to him which made my heart thump fast.

I tried to get up carefully which didn't work as he moved close and held me tightly.

After struggling the fourth time. I managed to escape from his arm.

I stood up to look at him.

'Just how strong is he to have such a strong grip.'

I quietly headed back to my room and took a bath.

After the bath I removed the bandage and looked at my wound.

It was already healed so I just applied a little medicine around it.

I put on my clothes and combed my hair and put it into a low pigtail.

I headed down for breakfast and sat down as Zaiden, Cynthia, and Lucas came down.

Breakfast began and we ate.

"How is your wound?" Mother asked.

"It is healed. Thank you for your concern."

I smiled.

"That's great." Mother smiled back.

"I heard the four of you stayed up to work." Father said.

"Yes. Our wives demanded us to finish our work so we had too." Lucas said teasingly.

We could hear the chuckles.

"I see and how was it?" Travis said.

"They were of great help. We finished the whole thing in 2 hours." Zaiden said.

"Oh my that's quite impressive." Mother said.

"Aren't our wives amazing?" Lucas said while grinning and then the expression on his face changed.

I knew what happened and held in my laugh.

"Yes. But I think you two were quite amazing as well. We were only just helping." Cynthia said while smiling.

"I read your works and what you girls wrote impressed me. You even added detailed note in what to do and changed a lot of things." Father said.

"It is nothing. We have done this in the past so it is quite easy."

"Dear, aren't they wonderful? They can help relieve our sons stress." Mother said.

"Yes. I can see that you all are getting along quite well." Father smiled.

Cynthia and I smiled and took a sip.

"Dear, when will you two give us a grandchild?" Mother said.

Cynthia and I choked on our tea and coughed.

Zaiden handed me a napkin and I wiped my mouth with it.

"I'm afriad you'll have to wait mother. It is still quite early now." Zaiden said.

"It's not that early yet. You two should hurry up otherwise it will be too late to give birth later on." Mother said.

"Mother as much as you want a grandchild. We want to respect our wive's decisions." Lucas said.

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