Chapter 9

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A/n: Don't play music until told to. But if you wanna listen to it go ahead.

I headed back inside and went to the library.

I looked around and read some books about the country.

After spending a couple hours in the library Zaiden found me.

"It's time for dinner." Zaiden said.

I looked up and looked outside. It was pretty late. I guess I was lost in a trance.

I set the book down and stood up.

We both headed down and joined the rest for dinner.

"Eve. Why didn't you come down for lunch?" Cynthia asked.

"I wasn't hungry."

"What were you doing then?" She asked.

"I was in the library reading."

"What were you reading?" Travis asked.

"Some books about the country."

"How is it?" Travis asked.

I smiled.

"It's quite interesting."

Cynthia looked at me and chuckled lightly then asked quietly.

"How many books did you read?" She asked.


"How many books do you guys have on about the country?" Cynthia asked.

"We have about 50." Lucas said.

Cynthia laughed and we all just looked at her.

"Book 30 page 17." Cynthia asked.

"When greeting others one must put their right hand on their heart and bow."

"Book 5 page 27." She asked.

"King Edward was a wise men who led the country to peace for 31 years but at the age of 54 he was overthrown and killed by his eldest son who overtook the thrown as King Cedric and was a tyrant king who abused his power."

Everyone just looked at me in surprise.

"Book 1 page 38." Lucas asked.

"My Lord and Holy Light hear my prayers, shall I ever betray or commit any crimes. I shall be punished by heaven."

"Book 42 page 5." Zaiden asked.

"Men and women who are not engaged should keep a proper distance and maintain their manners when speaking."

"Oh my. You have such great memory." Camilla said.

"Thank you."

"Eve. You read too much." Cynthia said.

"I don't find it boring though."

"Oh dear. You should take a rest from all those reading." Travis said.


We ate and then I headed back to the library but Zaiden was behind me.

"Where are you going?" Zaiden spoke.


"You were told to rest." Zaiden said.

"I'm quite fine."

"You have already read a lot today. You can read again tomorrow." Zaiden said.


I headed back to my room and went to take a bath and changed into my sleepwear and then I open my laptop and worked on a few things.

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