"I can save him, if you'd like?" I was taken back. I had prepared for the terrible thing to take a chunk of flesh out of my neck with its teeth or slash me across the face with its black crusty nails, but speaking to me was the last thing I expected. "He's dying, but I can save him. If you'd like?"

I sat there, mouth agape, cradling my father's head in my arm and staring into the two pink bulbous eyes that took up more than a third of the foul thing's face. I remember thinking that they reminded me of Easter Eggs – a bizarre connection for my mind to make given the situation. It stood back up on two feet and once again I was reminded just how imposing the creature really was. It told me its name, which I dare not repeat because it also explained that speaking it is the best way to summon the beast. For the remainder of my story I will refer to this entity as the Pastel Man – just a name I came up with due to the pigment of its skin and the light shade of pink that was the color of its eyes. That and for some reason giving the creature a silly name always helped to make me feel less afraid of it. Not much less though.

Finally, my mind had recovered enough from shock to allow me to stutter out a few words, "What do you mean you could save him?"

"What I do is make deals, young man." Its voice was surprisingly angelic – like a thousand choirs all singing in unison. If one were to close their eyes while the creature spoke to them, they might imagine they were listening to a seraph, not the hideous monster that was sporting a depraved grin in my living room. However, its extraordinary voice only managed to make me feel more uneasy. It wasn't right that something so beautiful would belong to such a repulsive creature. The Pastel Man gestured to its satchel. "I have the ability to save your father's life, but you have to agree to a deal with me."

"What kind of a deal?"

"Everything happens for a reason, even death." Its mischievous smile widened just a bit, as if the creature was getting to the punch line of a joke. "It's true that I can save your father's life, but someone must die in his place. One shall die, so another may live. That's the deal." I clutched my chest. "Not you, what would be the point? No, I'm giving you the option to choose the person who will be replacing your father this evening."

I was stunned by what I was hearing. "Are you death?"

The Pastel Man threw its head back and let out terrible howl. It was only later that I would come to realize that was how the wretched thing laughed. "No, I'm certainly not The Grim Reaper, although you aren't the first person to ask me that. I'm not the devil either, nor do I work for him. Let's just say I'm an independent contractor, shall we?" Two tiny holes that lay on the center of its face in the absence of a nose flared in satisfaction of its explanation.

"I can choose anyone?"

"Well, not anyone. That wouldn't be very fun would it?" I could see a row of shark like teeth hiding in its mouth as it separated its lips to speak. "Your father's replacement must be someone else in your life."

"I'm not a murderer." My voice was tiny. It barely escaped my mouth. I looked back down to my father. He had lost consciousness and his skin was becoming pale. "And I don't think I could kill anyone I know."

"You don't have to murder anyone, young man." The sly creature was moving into its final pitch. "All you have to do is tell me who it is you want dead and I will do the rest. Surely there must be someone you wouldn't mind out of your life? A teacher, an ex girlfriend, a rival at school perhaps?"

There was. I had fantasized about it many times, but never in my wildest dreams would I have ever acted on it. Everyone has that person in their life who is toxic. Someone who makes getting up in the morning more difficult and I was certainly no exception. "Walter Flannigan," I muttered under my breath.

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