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[A/N: So this is my first try at writing one of these myself, I don't know if it's any good, it may be horrible, I guess that's up to you to decide. I wasn't planning on ever publishing this anywhere but I just fell in love with Miso, she's so more more complex than this story makes her seem. I have a whole backstory for her in my head and I just think she's great. Hopefully you guys will like her as much as I do :) Any feedback is appreciated.]

~미소 (Miso), Korean for Smile~

For a young child in a small, barely heard of town, nothing was more exciting than the circus rolling in. Children practically trampled each other, leaving school early, skipping out on their chores, to gather around the makeshift fence surrounding the tent. They would watch in amazement as the many colorful performers walked around on the other side of the fence, practicing their tricks, and laugh in delight when one of them would stop to make funny faces at them. One clown, a very unique one, simply sat on the roof of her trailer, blue and purple hair flying around her face in the wind, and watched. Her large, toothy grin never leaving her face as she carefully surveyed the many faces of the kids as not a single one of them paid her any attention.

"Mom, please! Please can we go!??" Dakota begged again for the 100th time. "Everyone is going!" His mother sighed once again. "Dakota, we simply can't afford this right now" she repeated again, hoping it would get through his head. The young boy could feel the tears struggling to pour down his face. "But this is the only time they'll be here....it's my only chance..." His mother looked him in the eyes for a few seconds before closing her eyes in defeat. "Okay, if we eat light this week, I'll see what I can do". Dakota's eyes lit up, his small round face breaking into a smile. He jumped into his mother's arms. "Thank you thank you thank you!" he exclaimed, hugging her as tightly as he could, "I love you" he said. His mother couldn't help but smile.

As promised, his mother came through and that weekend the young boy, hurrying down the path with his mom's hand in his, made his way to the big tent. The show was incredible, it was everything you could possibly imagine. Filled with laughs and amazed gasps. Act after act, Dakota was fascinated by it all. One thing he found slightly distracting though was the one clown sitting in the far, darkened corner of the tent, who seemed to be staring directly at him. He could barely make her out from this distance, along with the darkness surrounding her, but he felt her heavy gaze on him as he tried to concentrate on the show. When he finally managed to ignore her, he was able to fully enjoy the show, refusing to glance her way again. Until she moved, that is. He couldn't help but let his attention snap back to her as he noticed her movements in his peripheral vision. He watched, slightly horrified, as she jerked around the back of the tent. Her gaze had finally left him and as she ventured into the light he was able to see her properly for the first time. Her long, slightly curly hair, blue on one side, purple on the other, her costume the same colors only inversed. Even from the distance he could see her seemingly abnormally large smile, remaining sketched into her face as she jerked about, her eyes wandering wildly. Dakota was now completely terrified. He quickly looked as his mom, who was still smiling, watching the show as if she couldn't see the wild clown in the background. Just as he opened his mouth to ask his mom about it, the clown snapped her gaze back to him. He sat as completely still as he could as he watched her start moving his way, he eyes locked to his. She moved surprisingly quickly considering how jerky her movements were. Like a puppet on strings. "Mom..." he managed to croak out quietly, his voice getting drowned out by the loud music of the current performance. Frozen in terror, Dakota could only stare as the clown stopped right in front of the sitting area and stared at him for a second before bringing both hands to her face and "drawing" on a smile with both index fingers.

Dakota couldn't even remember the end of the show, all he could remember was her face, that too-wide smile with her pointed, jagged teeth. He couldn't remember the show ending, or getting up and walking out, but somehow he'd found himself walking through the door of his house, his mother smiling widely at him. "Did you like it?" she asked eagerly, "I think it was worth the money". Dakota forced himself to smile, once again reminding himself of the clown. "I loved it" he said, "Thanks mom". He smiled at her once again. "Alright well, better get to bed now" she said sweetly.

It took Dakota forever to fall asleep that night, and once he did, his mind was plagued by nightmares. The young boy was jerked awake after a particularly nasty one about the clown devouring him alive. He sat up in bed quickly, panting, wiping the sweat from his forehead. As he slowly calmed down, he became aware of that feeling. You know the one, where you feel like you're being watched. Gripped by fear in seconds, he sat in his bed, his head still down, and terrified to lift his eyes. Incredibly slowly he lifted his head, his gaze making its way up. For a second he felt relieved, facing a black wall, before noticing the shape at the edge of his vision. Perched on his toy chest in the corner of his room, was the clown. Again barely illuminated by the small nightlight plugged in at the opposite corner of the room. His breath caught in his throat. She wasn't doing anything, simply looking at him again, her disturbing smile still plastered on her face. After about a minute of staring at each other, Dakota found his voice and yelled for his mom as loud as he could. His mother barged into his room and completely ignored the clown, sat on her son's bed and asked him what was wrong. "Can't you see it?" He asked, still maintaining eye contact with her. "See what?" his mother asked, following the direction of his gaze but coming up empty. "The clown..."He whispered. His mother smiled at him sweetly. "I think you just had a bad dream, honey, it's alright, go back to sleep" She said, getting up and kissing his head.

Alone again with the clown, young Dakota couldn't do anything but keep staring. Another minute went by before she opened her mouth. "Why did you call to her?" she whispered, her smile never leaving her face, making her words sound strange. "I only want to make you happy, I am a friend". She leaned in closer, her head jerking violently. Dakota was unable to speak. She continued speaking as she slowly leaned in closer. "My name is Miso, and I can feel the pain behind your smile..." She slowly stepped off the chest, the violence of her movements contrasting with her calm voice. "You live a hard life, don't you? Your father left you...You're mother barely makes enough to keep you both alive...You are miserable...both of you." She was slowly climbing onto the end of his bed at this point. He was frozen, couldn't get his body to move at all. "You both smile but you cannot deceive me..." She stopped, sitting right in front of him. He could see now how truly disproportionate her smile was, how the dark makeup around her eyes had smudged down her face as if she'd been crying. "Wanna see a magic trick?" she asked, her whispers still sounding strange due to her smile. She was so close he could smell the scent of cotton candy on her breath. He watched as she slowly reached into her sleeve and started pulling out ribbon after ribbon. Dakota watched entranced until she pulled out the last ribbon, a large pair of gardening shears that should by all logic been unable to fir in her sleeve followed. Miso slowly grasped the shears with both hands. Dakota felt control return to his body as he realised the danger he was in but before he could move or scream she rammed the shears into his chest. Again...and again...and again. The wet sound of the shears going in and out of the young boy's flesh resonating through the room as she stabbed and stabbed. Her head jerking violently to the side. By the time she stopped, the young boy's chest was nothing but a lumpy mess of flesh and blood. Miso slowly and jerkily lifted her hand to Dakota's untouched face and stroked his cheek, streaking it with crimson blood. Slowly, she brought the shears back up and opened them, positioning each point on his cheeks, and closing them sharply. She took a moment to admire the wonderful smile now permanently etched into his face. "Now you can be happy..." she whispered before throwing her head back and laughing out loud. The strange, terrifying sound sounding through the house.

Dakota's body along with his mothers were found a few days later. Both had been stabbed multiple times and bore a large, unnatural bloody smile. They looked almost....happy. 

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