thirty three.

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When you and Jisung got off the elevator, every agent on that floor started clapping. You were a bit taken aback, since you were unsure of what they were clapping for, but it made you smile nonetheless, as it did Jisung.

You smiled as the two of you walked to the squad room and placed your things behind your desk, then you stood up and motioned for everyone to follow you. They did so, all the way down to the hallway of autopsy.

"I know I seemed really ungrateful when we got back, but I was somewhere else. I am grateful to be back, and I'm happy to see all of your faces, and I am especially sorry for causing so much drama." You told them. "I was very angry at the fact that no one was truthful with me, but I understood where you were all coming from. After all, I did leave the country and left no trace." They were silent, and you pursed your lips. "Okay. Your silence speaks volumes."

You were about to walk away, but Jeongin stopped you by nearly tackling you, crushing you in a hug. "I'm so glad you're back, Y/N."

You smiled and patted his back. "Me too, Jeongin."

After Jeongin's revelation, everyone else spoke up about how happy they were to have you back. It gave you a sense of reassurance knowing that nobody was angry at anyone.

"Jeongin had a fit while you were gone. Towards me actually." Minho confessed.

"I did not have a fit-"

"Only a small one." Changbin jumped in. "I mean, he even mentioned the whole thing between you and Minho from a few years ago, and got in a physical fight with Minho."

You opened your mouth to say something, but you weren't completely sure what to say. "Well, I can assure you that whatever that was about, it's fine now. Right?"

Jeongin nodded. "Right."

"Okay good," you replied. "Because we have a lot more on our hands than we expected."

You walked into autopsy and Blade was already looking at you. "A meeting in front of my autopsy room without me, hm?"

"That's why we came in here, Biyu." You smiled. "To include you.

"You used my real name." She gasped. "This can not be good."

You pulled your phone out and played the recording from Taejun's interrogation for them. They listened, all of the emotions setting in at once.

"Yeah," Chan sighed. "That is much worse than we expected."

You were sitting at your desk, staring down at your keyboard, in a completely different space. The guys were watching you closely, but you were unaware of it.

"I hope you are as strong as I've been told you are."

A small noise made its way out of your throat.

"Didn't take you as the type to have tats. Still sexy though."

You shuddered.

"You're not dying without a bang, Y/N."

"Get the fire started. Heat up the rod."

You closed your eyes.

"No so indestructible, I take it?"

You took a deep breath and put your head down, rubbing at your temples. You thought you had put everything in the back of your mind, despite the short period of time, but you hadn't.

"Y/N. Are you okay?" Chan asked.

You nodded and looked up, making a nervous hand gesture. "I keep hearing the things they said to me. I'm okay." Jisung gave you a worried look, but you gave him a weak smile. "We need to come up with something. We have to be careful about it."

"Hyunjin and I are really good at tricking people." Seungmin said.

You looked at him. "What?"

"Uh," Hyunjin stuttered. "We used to be really bad kids. We were really good liars."

You nodded slowly. "Okay. We can work with that."

"You know, when you were gone, he told us to stop worrying about you and Jisung." Felix said. "Now, that makes a lot of sense."

"I really didn't see this one coming." Jeongin sighed. "How are we supposed to pull this off?"

"Very carefully."

Seungmin started frantically knocking on the directors door, and Changmin quickly opened it. "What's wrong, Seungmin?"

"Blade said she needs you. I don't know what it is but she said it was really important." Seungmin replied.

Changmin nodded and both of them rushed to the elevator. Once the elevator doors closed, Hyunjin came out from behind the corner and walked into his office, pulling a flash drive out of his pocket. He found Changmin's phone and connected the flash drive, pulling all the information he needed from it, all while searching for some type of burn phone or anything suspicious, which he didn't find.

Once the download was finished, Hyunjin snuck back out of his office and went back to the squad room. He gave the drive to Chan, who hooked it up to his computer and forwarded it to the rest of the team.

Meanwhile, you and Blade were waiting for Seungmin and Changmin to get down to autopsy. When the doors opened and both of them walked in, you smiled and gave Changmin a warm hug.

"I haven't given you a proper hug since I've been back." You told him. "I'm glad to see you."

He smiled and patted your back. "I'm glad to have you back, Y/N. Blade needed something?"

"Oh, yes!" Blade smiled. "This was it. I figured you'd want to see Y/N after everything."

"Well," he paused. "I'm glad that you brought me down here. I appreciate it, but I do need to get back to my office."

The three of you nodded and he left autopsy. You groaned and turned to Seungmin and Blade.

"I don't know how I've never noticed his body language and micro expressions before." You said. "They were obvious."

Seungmin shrugged. "Yeah, I have no idea how to read people, but it was pretty obvious."

"How," Blade paused and crossed her arms. "How could anyone do something like this? Especially to someone as close as family?"


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