twenty six.

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You slowly opened your eyes, the sun telling you there was a new day ahead of you. You looked back to make sure Jinx was awake, and you saw him breathing, so you looked back in front of you. You finally saw Jeanne watching you.

"Jeanne, come here." You demanded, and when she didn't budge, you got angry. "Come here, Ricci!"

She rushed over to you and knelt down to be level with you. "Yes?"

You licked your dry lips, shifting in the chair. "Why are you here? What made you want to be here?"


"Because I asked. Tell me, Jeanne."

"Because I have it rough, Y/N! Nobody likes me. My parents don't care, I don't have friends-"

"So you join a terror cell?"

"Taejun promised me a family."

You winced as the pain from the phosphorus started kicking in again. "Did Taejun really tell you about me?"

She shook her head. "Not much. Just why he disliked you and that you worked for the government."

"Then let me tell you about me." You were trying to gather your strength. "Jeanne, I've lost family, I've lost friends, I've been shot, I've had my throat slit. I've been outcasted, I've been hated, but do you see me joining a terrorist cell?"

She shook her head. "No."

"You're so young, Jeanne. You deserve to have a life that so many other fifteen years olds experience, okay? I will help you get back on track, because this-" you paused and tilted your head. "This is not the way to go."

The door opened and Taejun walked in, catching yours and Jeanne's attention. "Jeanne, watch her. Lonely is a go."

Jeanne nodded and the door shut again. You looked at Jeanne through your hair, your heart rate picking up.

"'Lonely'?" You questioned. "What is that, Jeanne?"

"A trap." She lowered her voice. "Taejun sent in a fake tip to the agency trying to track us down that would send them looking for us at an abandoned parking garage. We'd end up ambushing them."

"Jeanne, where is this parking garage?"

"Kind of far from here. I know where it is, though."

"Okay," you nodded. "Go over to Jinx. In his vest is a secret pocket on the side right above the words 'service dog'."

She walked over to him and found that pocket. "Then what?"

"Open the pocket. There's a small knife in there. Get it and cut these ropes, please."

She did so and opened the knife carefully, working on the ropes diligently. Once your hands were free, you bent down towards your ankles, despite the pain and untied your feet. You stood up and ran over to Jinx, untying him.

"Jeanne, where do you guys keep food and water?" You asked.

"Here, follow me."

On the way out, you grabbed your shirt and slipped it back on. You helped Jinx walk into another area of the warehouse, where there was a small pantry.

"Here's some lunch meat that he can have. I'll fill a bowl up with water."

You nodded. "Thank you."

You started feeding Jinx the lunch meat, which he was eating very happily. Once he stopped, you put the container down as Jeanne put the water bowl in front of him. After he drank a significant amount of water, you started heading for the exit.

"Wait, uhm." She looked around for a moment, then ran to a small closet and pulled out a box. "They went through your place and took everything that was yours. They thought you were gonna die, so they thought it'd be useful. I'm pretty sure all of your things are here, though."

She gave you the box and you started going through it. Sure enough, everything you brought with you was in that box. Jisung's backpack, clothes and cologne, your fake and real credentials, ID and passport, your laptop, your bulletproof vests, your guns and clips.

So, you got yourself and Jinx ready for a firefight. Vests, both guns, credentials, badge and handcuffs ready to go, then you put everything else in the backpack and the three of you walked outside. The sun hit you full force, and it felt as if you had never stepped foot outside in your life.

"Don't we need a car?" Jeanne questioned.

You nodded and looked around, taking notice to an older model black car that probably wouldn't be hard to hot-wire. So, you broke the driver side window and popped the lock up, getting in the car and letting Jinx and Jeanne in as well.

You looked back at Jeanne. "Do you know who's car this is?"

She shrugged. "Maybe Elijah or Reo?"

You hummed and looked back to the steering wheel. "I'm sure they won't mind."

It took you a couple tries to get the car started, but you did get it started and you wasted no time on getting to the parking garage.

The pain and anger were really starting to set in, digging itself into your veins like a parasite. One you wouldn't be able to get rid of so easily. As your blood pulsed through your veins, your foot pressed harder onto the gas pedal. You could barely process the fact that Taejun could have so much hatred towards one person, but you were glad it was you and not someone else. Somehow, you managed just fine during everything he put you through- you weren't sure if anyone else could've held out.

As you got deeper into the abandoned city while Jeanne navigated you in order to get to the parking garage, you made a mental note to tell her that you were grateful for her.

When you finally got to the broken down garage, you saw familiar agency cars, ones that looked like yours back at home. You took your knife out of your pocket and handed it to Jeanne.

"Stay down. I do not want anyone from the cell seeing you, it could make matters worse, okay? Do not use this unless it is absolutely necessary. Am I understood?" You questioned.

She nodded and slipped in between the front and back seats, hiding. You opened your door and Jinx hopped out after you. You checked the clip in your gun, then sighed.

"Lets go, Jinx."


Unhinged; Han Jisung. Where stories live. Discover now