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"After careful deliberations, it seems that Lay has the highest probability of being the mole that leaked the intel and possibly our own plans whether it was by accident or not, I can't tell you that." An uneasy silence settled around everyone in the room, the air was riddled with tension.

Now I was not a person that often felt uneasy or anxious but this, this scared me. I couldn't recall when last I had felt this way but this was unchartered territory. There had never been a time when the danger out there leeched into our own ranks and I considered myself a rather trustworthy person, but now I wasn't so sure. 

"Every single person in this room now has an even bigger target on their backs, each and everyone needs to understand this." Suho's posture was tense, his shoulders drawn tight, "Killing one of our own, even if this person is potentially our mole, sends a message loud and clear – Got7 and Stray Kids are out for blood."

Suho's words soon turned to background noise as I noticed Jiā slip out of the room rather hastily, Yuta hadn't even noticed her leaving his side.

Some bodyguard, I thought as I followed her out.

During the meeting she had looked rather pale, her arms crossed over her chest the way a person stood when they felt tense. She had had the same look on her face during this meeting that she had during her encounter with JB. I found her, in the kitchen, clutching a random mug tightly in her hands.

"Hey, eveything alright?" I asked, making myself known. She jumped at the sound of my voice, almost dropping the mug.

"Oh it's you, sorry," She stated simply, moving towards the kettle to turn it on. She rummaged through the cabinets searching for something, "Where is the hot chocolate in this damned mansion?"

"Bottom cupboard, second from your left," I said with a chuckle as I retrieved the oh so precious hot chocolate myself, placing it next to her on the counter.

"Thank you," She said, rather unwillingly.

I leaned against the countertop, facing her, "You don't know how to slow-dance do you?"

"Firstly, how do you know that? Secondly, why do you need to know that?" She asked, stopping her frantic stirring of her hot chocolate.

"Well you see, the night of the ball I got my toes stepped on at least twice and I think it's an absolute necessity for everyone – especially you princess – to know how to slow-dance properly." I stated, extending a hand out to her, "So may I?"

"You know for someone who seduces people for a living, you're extremely old-fashioned," Jiā said, a reluctant hand coming to meet mine.

So she had read my profile. Interesting.

I guided her hand to rest on my shoulder while my mine rested on the small of her back, our hands meeting clasped in the middle, our faces impossibly close, "It's part of the charm I think,"

"I don't think I can deny that, where's the music though Mr Charmer?"  She asked cheekily.

"Where's your imagination, princess?" I asked as we began to sway, "Follow my lead, one step forward, two steps back, and just sway with it."

Jiā followed as best she could, her head down focusing on her feet, her hair falling in her face in a strangely endearing way. There was something about the way she held on so tightly that made me feel something swell in my chest and that hadn't happened to me in years. Being the person I am, I was always doing these sorts of things so much so that sometimes the raw emotion behind simply touching someone eluded me. But with Jiā, it was different.

I guided her hands up to settle around my neck, pulling her closer and so that she would finally look up at me, "See, you're doing it, easy isn't it?"

"Maybe I've just got a good teacher?" She asked, those eyes of hers sparkling.

"The teacher is only as good as his best student," I said with a smile which she returned tenfold,

I don't know how long we stayed like that simply dancing, no music except the sound of our laughter. I couldn't remember when last I had felt so carefree with someone and I truly enjoyed Jiā's presence. However, our moment was cut short by a cough. We both turned to the sound of a familiar voice. 

"Are we interrupting something here?" Xiumin asked, a sly knowing smile on his face while Suho looked anywhere but at us, "I sent Yuta to get Jiā because we have something to discuss, but he said you were busy, I didn't think he meant this kind of busy,"

"Oh please, you know that's not the case," Jiā muttered, quickly separated herself from me.

I hated how much I hated her touch leaving me, "What did you want to talk to Jiā about?"

Xiumin turned to Jiā, "Yuta pitched an idea that'll maybe help us ensure your safety, we know that Got7 has their eye on you, they've threatened you once and that's once more than I ever wanted..."

Suho cut in, "I'll cut to the chase, Would you be willing to stay at the mansion for a few weeks just so that we can have you in a secure and safe place where you're out of harm's way?"

"You realize I have a life right? A job? Friends?" Jiā argued,

"Jiā, I don't mean to be that guy, but I've been your only friend since we were kids and I know for a fact that hasn't changed," Xiumin said with a chuckle, "Also you have at least a month's worth of student leave, don't be difficult please?"

Sometime later and with a heavy sigh, Jiā nodded.

"Great, now that that's settled, Xiumin we have work to do, Yuta can accompany Jiā to her apartment tomorrow morning so she can pack her bags,"

"Why don't you just send me with her?" I asked,

"No offense Kai, but I'd rather have the gang member than the mafia's resident bedwarmer as Jiā's security detail," Xiumin stated plainly, I rolled my eyes at Xiumin's snide comment.

"You know what just for that comment, count me in tomorrow for some extra security."

"Don't I have any say in my own security detail?" Jiā asked, annoyance laid thick in her tone of voice and body language.

"Nope." The three of us said in unison, at least we could agree on something.

Annoying Jiā never got old.

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