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You'd think that I would have earned some peace and quiet after the night I had. I'd wake to the sound of birds chirping and sunlight streaming in.


I woke to the sound of incessant banging on the front door of my apartment. Not caring for formalities or morning breath, I threw my covers off and marched to the door. Ready to give an earful to whoever had the displeasure of waking me up this early in the morning.

I was met with Minseok, standing with a brown bag in hand and another familiar face with two take-away coffee cups in hand,

"Good morning, Jiji," Minseok beamed, handing the brown bag to me. I glared at him, taking the brown bag in hand and thanked him with a roll of my eyes.

The other guy looked familiar but I couldn't remember his name, I'd definitely met him before...

"I see and mind you, smell that you didn't spare any time to brush your teeth nor your hair but to be honest seeing you like this is better than seeing you crying," The boy smiled, his face creasing up in all the right places.

"Yuta!" I exclaimed, louder than what he expected. Yuta chuckled and nodded. His hair colour had changed since I had last seen him instead of the natural looking brown colour, it was now a vibrant red that matched his personality quite well if you ask me.

"I'm glad you guys know each other," Minseok said, he took a hold of my arm, "Yuta, I need to speak to Jiā alone quickly if you don't mind,"

Yuta shrugged, settling himself on my old couch with all it's patchwork and the stupid but cute cat blanket thrown thrown over it. I was mildly embarrassed but honestly the blanket was cute so whatever.

Minseok and I sat down in my bedroom, on the edge of my bed. I was suddenly reminded of the many nights I'd spent in similar situations with Minseok. We'd talk about anything and everything. Before EXO, before all this. When were just two children whose lives had been completely uprooted and we suddenly found ourselves clinging onto each other just to stay sane.

"What are you thinking about?" Minseok asked, noticing my clearly absent mind.

I turned to to face him, "Nothing, just memories,"

"Jiā, I know you're not going to be happy with what I'm about to say but please just hear me out," Minseok sighed, running his fingers through his hair, "You're not safe anymore, I can't keep you safe anymore, I've made both NCT and EXO aware that you're under our protection now,"

"So that's why Yuta just happens to be with you?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest, "You mean to tell me that one of you guys are going to follow me around for the next what six months? A year?"

"I don't know, I really don't know," Minseok stood, staring out the window for a second, "Look, I need to go, feed Yuta won't you?"

I laughed at his last words, "I'll make sure to feed him,"

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