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I stumbled down the dark street, my breathing heavy and my head spinning. I needed to get to the closest safehouse as soon as possible. There was no way of knowing how close they were or if I'd even lost them at all. I'd barely been able to break away, I was by no means a man not capable of defending himself but nine to one were odds I did not like. 

This was supposed to be a simple mission. In and out.

All I had to do was get the nuclear codes and get out.

My blood stained clothes and injured body proved otherwise. Somehow GOT7 had found out about our plan and sent their lackeys who called themselves Stray Kids to make sure my mission had been far from easy. From then on, chaos had ensued–at one point I wasn't sure if the blood staining my clothes was just mine. Dodging bullets was most definitely not part of the plan.

I had barely managed to get away alive. They were overtly prepared for me and that's what scared me the most. They knew exactly where I'd be at exactly the right time, they knew my escape route as well. Each turn I tried to take, they were there. Something was wrong and in my gut I knew what it was. The wrenching, turning of my stomach like several well oiled cogs made me feel sick at the possible reason behind their well-planned ambush.

Nobody outside of EXO knew of our plans to steal those codes. There's no way anybody else could have known about that alone, how could they have known about my entry point and escape route?

The only viable explanation (no matter how much I hated myself for thinking it) is that we had a mole on our hands. My mind was racing, along with my heart as I keyed in the passcode to the safehouse. EXO was all I knew, all that the boys knew. EXO was everything to us as we had nothing else. We were brother's in arms, in life and everything related. How could any of them be a mole?

This is bad. There was no way EXO could continue without getting rid of the mole. We couldn't make a single move this way, whoever this mole was; he - or she - was clever.

I hated even the idea of a traitor but if the possibility existed I needed to let someone know as quickly as possible.

With trembling fingers, I pulled up Suho's contact, knowing that as the leader he always had a plan.

"Fuck!" I swore as the call went straight to voicemail. I tried again and again, the same monotone noise and no answer.

There was no time to wait for him to get back to me. Somebody needed to know about the mole.


I didn't know how long I would last out here especially isolated like this which I suspected was their intention.

I pulled up Xiumin's contact deciding that he was the next best thing.

Anxiously waiting for an answer, I paced the room.

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