Chapter One

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Jedi padawan Anakin Skywalker along with his Master Obi-Wan Kenobi have returned to Coruscant to be given the assignment of protecting Padme after a mysterious attempt to assassinate her has taken place. There, they will be guarding and protecting her at all costs. It is there that Anakin has seemingly been losing himself and cannot find his true meaning. Chancellor Palpatine has staffed the Senator's ground to ensure her safety as well, down to the handmaidens. This Mission Anakin has been sent on will help him ensure his place in the Jedi Council, and restore the balance in the force.

The sand was scattering with each step I took returning back to the base of my ship. I could not wait to get out of the heat. For someone who had grown up on such a sandy planet, I really hated the desert. Still, it could have been worse; I could have already been caught with the cargo. They could have caught me so easily had I made one wrong move. But that was nowhere near my work ethic. Once I left the mass of the marketplace where not a trace of shade was in sight, the sun became sweltering hot. The sweat began to stick to the thick linen and wool that was used to make the dark brown Jedi robe I was wearing. Man, was it hot. I had hoped that by the time I got back on my ship, WA-7 would be waiting for me with the canteen like she always had. I had unlocked the blast door from the outside to the ship, WA-7 was waiting impatiently for me, canteen in hand. "Well. Finally, you came back! I was beginning to think of just leaving the ship entirely. You know, it's fine, it only took you 2 days to come back!"

The canteen was a sight for sore eyes rather than WA-7. I took it from her and chugged the remaining water left in it while thinking of a response. I answered back slyly, "What? So they can dismantle you and turn you into scrap metal in exchange for their one portion of dinner? Hardly think you're the type of droid to do that! You wouldn't even leave that hunk of junk diner I took you from." I laughed while WA-7 scoffed. After being granted access to the communication room, I muttered back to WA-7. "Now close the doors and let's get this ship on track back to Mustafar, shall we? I got a lot of things to do."

"Are you sure it wasn't the sand that you want to get away from and not that you necessarily have much to do?" She proved a point, but I wasn't going to give her the high ground.

"Ha. Ha. We're still here, and I can easily put you up for sale for the next traveler that walks by the ship!" I never would, but that had stopped all smart remarks from coming out after that.

Quickly changing the subject after being flustered with that comment that WA-7 knew was all "too true", she followed closely behind. "Well after having fun for 2 days did you finish your job like you were supposed to?" She had always acted like a nagging mother even though she was merely a partner in crime whenever I was on board my ship.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her question. "WA-7, would it really be me if I didn't come back to the ship with this?" I raised my burlap bag that probably weighed around 9 pounds. "Trust me, I finished the job. But, you're right, there was a day of fun beforehand haggling scummy slave owners and pit pocketing them". I laughed knowing she knew exactly what I had been up to. "Which by the way, I got you this." Tossing her a wrench to remove the last remaining restraining bolt she had from her previous owner.

Closing the door to the communication room, I turned on the holotable to see that he had been calling me. I pressed the button to return the call. All happiness and jokes aside left my face with nothing but seriousness. This would typically be the most anxious I would get on my missions. Never when I was creeping from behind, or whenever shootouts happened, but at the end of it all. When I had to prove my worth. I had to show professionalism. "Well, yes, that has been going off for a while. You may want to answer that. I'll just be routing the ship to Mustafar then." WA-7 wheeled over to the other side of the room, knowing she would rather not be seen in the presence of him.

The hologram had finally come through to show him hidden in his dark black robe. "Hello master. I bring good news." I began to lift the hood of the dark brown robe I was given to use as a disguise to reveal my crown braided black hair; the smaller baby hairs sticking to my forehead from being under the sun for so long. "The general of The Republic located on Tatooine has been killed. His foolish treason will no longer disrupt the plans ahead Sir."

Only his sinister smiled sneered out of the hood. I had pleased him as I had hoped. "Very well Vela, very well. But how could it have taken so long for you to finish the mission? And the head of the general? Where is it?" Although trusting towards me, he always wanted proof of the completion of the mission. I had felt as though even if I had been practically born into this life, even though he was seemingly like a father to me, I had always walked on eggshells. I would always be reminded of how easily disposable I was had I made one wrong move.

"Forgive me, Sir, I needed time to gain the trust of the general as an assuming Jedi Knight before executing him before they took our others here hostage."

He bowed his head in agreement to accept the excuse and continued. "Very well, but the head?" He questioned again. Knowing he does not like to ask twice for something, I exhaled and grabbed my bag from one of the seats I had placed it on. I lifted the head from the bag into his view. Excited, he stood up from his seat with his deep-set yellow eyes now glowing, marveling at the sight of my work; almost as if he were staring at a pristine gold trophy. "Very well Vela! You have done your master well. I am certain Lord Sidious will too, be excited of this news."

I slightly smiled with a tight mouth and replied, "Thank you Darth Maul. It is with honor to serve you." I had always stated the same line once a job was done, only this time there was no pride I had taken in this job. And he picked up on my tone.

"Vela? Are you not happy with your completion? Shall I make you reconsider your position?" I felt the chokehold of Darth Maul's grasp around my neck slowly starting to control me.

"No M-master. I am only tired from the sun and drying sand. I am grateful to be apart of this mission." I had hoped he had not picked up on anymore.

Letting go of me, he laughed and continued. "Very well. I shall see you soon back here on Mustafar along with Lord Sidious to discuss your next mission. I have a feeling Lord Sidious will agree with me that your time may be paid up. Remember Vela, you are an important part of the Sith finally grasping power back. Remember the code-"

"The force shall set me free." I smiled, "I know Master."

"Good. I shall see you both soon." The hologram began to turn to static then ended.

I sighed, finally being able to breathe, soothing my neck after what Darth Maul had done. It never made sense to me how Darth Maul would praise my work. Finally removing the robe and tossing it onto one of the seats I sighed, bringing out my necklace from underneath my tunic. Staring at the silver medallion, I had wondered how my mother was ever able to be in such a line of work. It must have made her pregnancy stressful as all. The mere fact of having to hide her child from this work would have spun anyone out of control. I had noticed my face began to sulk and quickly changed my expression to something cooler. Luckily, WA-7 was not able to pick up on the force, nor my emotions. She would only ever be able to tell when my hazel eyes would turn a bright green when I cried, and my pale skin flushed with red when I was angry. I shook the melancholy off my face and turned to WA-7 as I heard blasters hitting our ship. They had tracked me down but would have no chance of even catching up to me. It was definitely time to go. "WA-7, let's get a move on. I have a mission that could potentially mean a lot to me." I sat co-piloting her and forced the ship into light speed toward Mustafar.

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