Ch.2: Crescendo to Sforzando

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Lucas's POV

The journey to the Grey estate lasted a total of six hours. We'd opted for the scenic route, neither one of us ecstatic to have to leave our grounds. There was no rush to attend an event that they were attending for appearance's sake only. My father had attended the last ceremony for their twin sons when they'd come of age. He'd brought me back a pressed leaf from their maples in the garden, alongside a couple flowers.

Father had opted for early retirement and left the pack to me. Which meant, I had the unfortunate pleasure of attending this event. Something about the long-term business relationship our families had and how we couldn't cop out by sending a representative; 'It has to be the real deal, Lucas.' That's what was decided.

There was no more hiding allowed. The mateless alpha had to go to the kid's coming-of-age ceremony.

"Does it intimidate you at all that this girl's older brothers are your age and have already had their mating ceremony?" Andy taunted over the complimentary champagne mother had sent along with the stretched SUV.

"Watch your mouth," I threatened.

We were the same age, Andy and I, twenty-eight with only a few days between us. Clint, the pack's gamma back home, was the youngest out of the three of us by four days only. Our mothers were sisters, making us cousins. I considered us more of a brotherhood, especially since we'd taken over our father's position in the pack. And I was the only brother yet to find their bonded.

More than embarrassing, it was lonely.

Hopefully Andy could contain himself while we were out. The Grey's were notorious for their tradition and propriety. Griffin ruled with an iron fist and a golden heart. His blood was pure, but what made his pack strong was the web of businesses and liaisons they'd sprinkled in every region across North America. Much like how father had run the Lunaros' pack.

The pine trees of our lands transformed into maple trees bright green with brand new foliage after a harsh winter. Lazy hills weaved up and down on the horizon where open plains broke up the shadowed forest. The paved road restyled to dirt roads, leading all the way to the woven iron gates. The driveway from here was paved anew. A half-circle pulled us up to the front door where we disembarked.

Fine blonde baby hairs bonded to my forehead and sweat beaded over the bridge of my nose. I swiped some drops off my eyebrows and squinted to the guest house they'd organized for their daughter's ceremony. The white glowed under the clear sky and the dozens of windows reflected the sun rays into our eyes.

Andy shielded his eyes with a hand and whistled low.

"I thought your 'rents place was impressive, but damn... They sure know how to treat their guests right," he praised.

"Don't get too excited; consider this business," I dismissed.

Jackson Grey was shaking hands with people at the entrance, offering them a million-dollar smile before ushering them inside. We tread on the heels of the slower moving guests caught in the late arrivals traffic. People were pooled around everywhere already. Some I recognized from having worked with, most were no more than vague impressions on my memory.

Where I hoped to be reprieved of the tropical climate of the outdoors, there was no solace in the main lounge.

"I take my comments back from earlier," Andy muttered underneath his breath while dabbing sweat off his forehead with his handkerchief.

"Quiet," I hissed.

A Grey pack member reached out to us with water bottles dribbling with condensation. The chilled liquid was a nice distraction, but did little to soothe over the overall discomfort. The same member helped us find the end of the line where guests were told they were to check in to receive their room keys.

It Took a Moon or Two (A Werewolf Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora