We had a complicated relationship, to say the least. She has never been there for me so I hate her. She would never come to my birthday parties or talent shows even if she promised to. She's not reliable and I've learned to accept that.


"Jacob, can you help me?" Abby was currently trying to put the star on top of the Christmas tree. Jacob picked her up so she could reach the top of the tree.

Abby forced us to decorate the house for Christmas, I didn't want to help but I felt bad saying no so I complied non the less.

I was currently searching threw the decorations trying to find ones to put on the tree. I came across a decoration that had a picture of me and Jacob on it. I was five and he was nine, my mom was in the picture to. I remember that Christmas, it was one of the only ones my mom actually showed up for.

I felt a single tear fall from my cheek, I quickly wiped my eyes off before anyone saw. I wasn't quick enough because Jacob gave me a concerned look.

"Are you okay? What happened" I looked away from him not trusting my self not to cry again. I absolutely hated crying in front of people, it made me feel weak and I hated feeling week.

"Ya, I'm fine. Just the dust" I turned back around to see Jacob looking at the decoration I was just looking at.

"I remember that year, it was the same Christmas dad got arrested" Jacob mumbled.

"Oh, I didn't know that" I mumbled.

"I know. I made sure mom didn't tell you because you were little and I didn't want to scare you" Jacob sadly smiled at me. I felt bad for ruining his childhood, he never got to do the things normal kids did because of me.

"We should make cookies!" Abby yelled from the other side of the room.

"We don't have the stuff sweetheart" Jacob laughed at her excitement.

"Hey bitches" Reagan yelled bursting through the front door.

"You said a bad word," Abby said crossing her arms. I had to give her some credit she had a lot of sass for a five-year-old.

"I know" Reagan nodded setting all her bags on the ground.

"Can you help me make cookies?" Abby asked Reagan.

"Sure" she shrugged.

"Abby I already told you we don't have the stuff," Jacob told her.

"Then go buy it" She sassed.

"Brat" I rolled my eyes.

"Bitch" Abby said. Everyone in the room's eyes widened except Reagan who high fives her.

"Don't say that stuff, you're a child" Jacob told her. I couldn't help but laugh, hearing kids swear was always adorable.

"Sorry" she mumbled. Abby tried to act tough but Jacob could easily scare her.

"Can we call mommy now?" Abby asked.

"Sure," Jacob said getting out his phone.

"I'm gonna go I don't wanna talk to her" I sighed.

"Please stay Olivia," Abby said giving me those stupid puppy dog eyes.

I hesitated before complying.

"This feels like a family thing I'm gonna go wait in your room," Reagan told me awkwardly before taking off. I don't blame her if I didn't have to be apart of this I would be hiding in there too.

-phone call-

"Hello?" Mom asked. She sounded drunk as usual.

"Mommy!" Abby cheered.

"Who is this?" Mom asked.

"Seriously? It's your kids" I told her over the phone. Jacob glared at me.

"Oh hi sweetie," mom said, she clearly couldn't hear the annoyance in my voice.

"Hello Jennifer," Jacob said, I could hear the hostility in his voice.

"Jacob" mom sighed. Jacob had the worst relationship with our parents.

"Mommy, are you coming over for Christmas?" Abby asked her.

"Not this year baby. Mommy is busy with her boyfriend" mom explained.

"Correction, boyfriends" I mumbled. Before mom could reply Jacob swooped in.

"Abby really wanted to call you" Jacob explained. He was trying to keep the peace as usual.

"Yes, I miss you, mommy. I made a new friend, her name is Amy and I wrote a letter to Santa" Abby said.

"That's great," mom said. I could hear someone talking in the background, I could hear the music too.

"You're at a bar?!" I came to the realization. "Unbelievable."

"Stop being so dramatic Olivia" mom sighed.

"I'm done" I mumbled before getting up to walk toward my room.

"Olivia" Jacob yelled.

"No Jacob, I don't want to talk to that slut!" I yelled.

"Hey! Don't talk to me that way I'm still your mother" she yelled.

"Don't kid yourself. You were never my mother" I laughed bitterly before walking into my room and slamming the door shut.

-end phone call-

"You okay?" Reagan asked. She probably heard that entire conversation.

"Ya. My mom's just a bitch" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh," Reagan sighed. Abby came walking into my room a few minutes later.

"Why did you do that Olivia?" She yelled.

"What did I do now?" I sighed.

"You were being mean to mommy," she told me.

"Are you seriously blaming me? Did you just miss that entire conversation?" I asked. This was typical, my mom Corrupted Abby.

"I hate you" she yelled before slamming the door shut.

Of course, everything was always my fault.

A/N: you guys like this chapter? The next couple of chapters will be Christmas based, so no school scenes for a while 😊 I'm trying to update a lot lately since it's almost Easter!! Everyone excited 😊

What's your opinion on their mom? Are these chapters long enough? I'm not sure how long they're supposed to be.

Thanks for reading ❤️ please vote and comment. Your comments make my day!

BROKEN (book #1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant